A guide to bookmarklets 🔗
I'm a frequent user of bookmarklets. As I'm sharing some of them on my blog, I wrote this post to explain what bookmarklets are and how to use them. I [...]
a collection of dev rss feeds - blogroll
I'm a frequent user of bookmarklets. As I'm sharing some of them on my blog, I wrote this post to explain what bookmarklets are and how to use them. I [...]
It can be frustrating to fill out a web form, only to accidentally refresh the page (or click "back") and lose all the hard work. In this blog post, I [...]
In this post, I'll summarize some problems and constraints that I've encountered with the Notifications and Push web APIs. Notification setting [...]
Browser extensions like Stylish, Stylus or Tampermonkey make it possible to create custom website themes/skins. At the same time, I try to lower the n [...]
As I was preparing the requirements for an accessible web video player, there was some confusion around subtitles, closed captions, audio descriptions [...]
Last year, I started a photography hobby. Soon after, I've created a place where I can share some of my work, without any attention-driven algorithms [...]
While building my photography portfolio, I've put much effort into optimizing the picture loading behavior. One technique is to provide a visual fallb [...]
I've been using "Darek Kay" as my pseudonym since school. My surname was long and difficult to pronounce, so I've been mostly using it in a formal con [...]
RSS isn't dead. It isn't mainstream, but it's still a thriving protocol, especially among tech users. However, many people don't know what RSS feeds a [...]
Recently, I've encountered a peculiar issue with Eleventy. The development server stopped working: eleventy --serve [11ty] Wrote 92 files in 0.48 seco [...]
React Testing Library (RTL) is arguably superior to Enzyme, due to a shift from testing implementation details to more user-centric unit tests. Howeve [...]
After migrating a project to Vite, I've moved my Storybook setup into a separate module — a folder next to the actual app: 📁 project ├─ 📁 app | ├─ [...]