
a collection of dev rss feeds - blogroll

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Why don’t we talk about minifying CSS anymore? πŸ”—

Remember Grunt files? [...]

Your background images might be causing CLS πŸ”—

I broke the first rule of preventing CLS. Shame on me. [...]

How I fixed my brutal TTFB πŸ”—

I was EMBARRASSED. [...]

What is INP and why you should care πŸ”—

Your website performance is now trash until you optimize for INP. [...]

My blog post workflow πŸ”—

Tools, apps, workflow, brain stuff. [...]

The future of Jamstack is anti-capitalist πŸ”—

Down with capitalism. - Mike Neumegen [...]

Ramblings about JavaScript scope, weird errors and frameworks πŸ”—

I did learn the thing. But I forgot to remember the thing. [...]

How to deal with API rate limits πŸ”—

API rate-limiting is a minefield. Why are there no standards? [...]

Entertainment as Code πŸ”—

Learn about streaming live coding, and how writing silly code in front of a live audience is a powerful (and hilarious) way to build community. [...]

Twitter ruined your link previews: here’s how Cloudinary can help πŸ”—

Learn how to overlay text on your Open Graph images using the Cloudinary API and SDKs. [...]

How to fix error: invalid character in entity name in RSS feeds πŸ”—

My RSS feed was broken for OVER A WEEK because I used an invalid character in the XML. [...]

Fallbacks for HTTP 404 images in HTML and JavaScript πŸ”—

What if an image doesn’t exist anymore? What if someone accidentally deleted an image in your CMS? How do you detect and deal with this? [...]

Everything I install and set up on a new MacBook as a web developer πŸ”—

Here are the developer tools, browsers, utility apps and other useful things I install on a new dev machine to help productivity. [...]

A story about HTTP status codes and why you should read documentation πŸ”—

Recently, I wrote some bad code. But this highlighted the importance of correct HTTP status codes, and how I should really read documentation. [...]

Using hooks to monitor and error track with Sentry when self-hosting Directus πŸ”—

Learn how to set up Sentry monitoring and error tracking for your self-hosted Directus project by building custom hooks. [...]

How to use jQuery with Astro πŸ”—

Understanding how to use jQuery in an Astro project was hard to Google. So I wrote my own guide for you and my future self. [...]

From LCP to CLS: Improve your Core Web Vitals with Image Loading Best Practices πŸ”—

Learn all about image lazy loading and how it can help improve performance, UX and core web vitals. [...]

5 reasons you should hire me as your next developer experience engineer πŸ”—

I’m excited to be looking for my next role as a Developer Experience Engineer. Here are five reasons why you should hire me. [...]

How I deploy my website using my Apple Watch πŸ”—

TL:DR; a serverless function and build hook on Netlify, and an Apple Shortcut. [...]

The best light/dark mode theme toggle in JavaScript πŸ”—

Learn how to build The Ultimate Theme Toggleℒ️ for your website using JavaScript, CSS custom properties, local storage and system settings. [...]

A/B test CMS authored content with Netlify Edge Functions πŸ”—

Learn how to run an A/B test using content from your CMS and Netlify Edge Functions. [...]

How to split traffic and A/B test different page layouts on the same URL πŸ”—

Learn how to split traffic for A/B testing between different page layouts without changing the URL using Netlify Edge Functions. [...]

The universal CSS * selector isn't actually universal πŸ”—

For my ENTIRE career I have been living with an enormous misconception: the universal CSS selector doesn't *actually* select EVERYTHING. [...]

Hide text in CSS pseudo elements from screen readers with this one weird trick πŸ”—

Learn how to hide decorative text generated by CSS from screen readers, so that your weird designs don't interrupt the flow of the text. [...]

The Acronyms of Rendering on the Web πŸ”—

Learn about different types of rendering on the web, and how it impacts user experience, site performance, and SEO. [...]

Improve E-commerce Site Performance with Rendering Strategies πŸ”—

Learn how to optimize UX, site performance and SEO by taking a strategic approach to how you render different pages of your e-commerce store. [...]

Make time πŸ”—

I used use a week of PTO to see what tips and tricks I could experiment with to try and fix my life. Here’s how it went. [...]

We actually need more JavaScript frameworks πŸ”—

Join me as I share my weird and winding journey through the JavaScript framework landscape. [...]

How do I get started in web development? πŸ”—

Asking β€œHow do I get started with web dev?” is like asking β€œHow do I get started with cooking?” [...]

2022: what I made, what I learned, and what I didn't do πŸ”—

Let's take a look back at 2022: what I made, what I learned β€”Β both professionally and personally β€” and what I didn't get around to. [...]

How to get the user’s timezone in JavaScript with Edge Functions πŸ”—

You donβ€˜t need client-side JavaScript to localize dates and times according to timezone β€” use timezone data in Netlify Edge Functions. [...]

A responsive striped CSS gradient inspired by 80s VHS tapes πŸ”—

Create a responsive, horizontal-striped CSS gradient inspired by 80s VHS tapes using CSS custom properties and a linear gradient. [...]

Single-page applications, multi-page applications, the history of Twitter tech, and a failed project πŸ”—

After I changed my mind about writing new JavaScript frameworks, I paused development on a new project, What the Framework (WTF). Here's why. [...]

Personalize your static site based on a previous site referral πŸ”—

Learn how to use Netlify Edge Functions to personalize static HTML pages based on the HTTP referer header. [...]

I changed my mind about writing new JavaScript frameworks πŸ”—

Maybe you *should* write a new JavaScript framework. And here’s why. [...]

Rewrite your git history in 4 friendly commands πŸ”—

Did you make a series of unfortunate commits? Learn how to clean up your nonsense. [...]

What's the difference between : and :: in CSS? πŸ”—

I spent years Googling this question before the information stayed in my brain. Sound familiar? Then this post is for you. [...]

Rewrite HTML and transform page props in Next.js with Next.js Advanced Middleware πŸ”—

Learn how to use Next.js Advanced Middleware from Netlify. [...]

Add personalization to static HTML with Netlify Edge Functions β€” no browser JavaScript required πŸ”—

Check out the video tutorial and accompanying walk-through. [...]

We're all living on it. But what exactly is The Edge? πŸ”—

What is The Edge? What are Edge Functions? And what impact does this new technology have on the Jamstack and the web? [...]

How to view Google Lighthouse scores for your site in Netlify πŸ”—

Install the integration. Check your scores. Profit. [...]

Should I write a new JavaScript framework? πŸ”—

Do you often ask yourself, should I write a new JavaScript framework? Here's some things you should consider, and some tips to get you started. [...]

How to deploy an Astro site πŸ”—

Deploy an Astro project as a static, server-rendered, or edge-rendered site, try out some Netlify templates, and learn how to deploy to Netlify. [...]

Build a business card CLI tool πŸ”—

Learn how to use Node.js, npm and npx to build a CLI tool to output a business card to the terminal. Bonus demo repository included! [...]

Level up your link previews in Slack πŸ”—

Add extra metadata to the head tag in your web pages to show richer previews in Slack when your link is unfurled. [...]

Light and dark mode in just 14 lines of CSS πŸ”—

Combine two CSS custom properties with a media query to get set up with light and dark mode in seconds. [...]

What is Jamstack? πŸ”—

Let's explore Jamstack, β€œJamstack-adjacent” technologies, and how you can get started building on the Jamstack. [...]

We're all living on it. But what exactly is The Edge? πŸ”—

But what is The Edge? What are Edge Functions? And why does it matter? [...]

HTML is all you need to make a website πŸ”—

HTML-only websites are a controversial and divisive topic. But why? [...]

How I massively improved my website performance by using the right tool for the job πŸ”—

I rebuilt my website AGAIN with the aim of using as little JavaScript as possible to improve performance. Did I succeed? And what did I learn? [...]

How to format dates for RSS feeds (RFC-822) πŸ”—

Here's a selection of links, guidance and code snippets to help you format dates for RSS feeds (RFC-822). [...]

How to delete all merged git branches with one terminal command πŸ”—

Automate your git cleanup! Here's a shell function to add to your bashrc/zshrc file to delete all merged git branches in one command. [...]

Why you should ship your silly side projects πŸ”—

Let's take a look at what we learned building a very silly site for the Netlify Dusty Domains project in December 2021. [...]

A prototype is all you need to launch a site πŸ”—

Catch up on a Twitch live stream where I prototyped Women of Jamstack with 11ty and YOLO deployed it to Netlify on a custom domain. [...]

Build a CMS preview workflow for your Jamstack site πŸ”—

Learn how to preview your draft content stored in Contentful by building a custom app that builds a preview branch of your static site. [...]

How to deploy your Netlify site with an Elgato Stream Deck πŸ”—

Use a little serverless function to kick off a site build with a button. [...]

How I improved your Google Lighthouse SEO score with a lot of research and one quick PR πŸ”—

Why has Google Lighthouse been penalising us for canonical links on different domains? I set out to solve this conundrum once and for all. [...]

How to build an HTML-only accordion β€” no JavaScript required! πŸ”—

You don't need JavaScript to build accordions! Use HTML only and just four lines of code. [...]

Debug your CSS layouts with this one simple trick πŸ”—

Are you battling with layouts in CSS? Use this one line of CSS to help you debug what's up and get you back on the road to success. [...]

How to use really long environment variables in Netlify functions πŸ”—

Here’s how you can use a Netlify build plugin to use longer environment variables in your functions. [...]

An introduction to GraphQL and how to use GraphQL APIs πŸ”—

Here's everything I learned this year about GraphQL for anyone getting started. [...]

How to load responsive images in AVIF and WebP using the HTML picture element πŸ”—

A complete guide on how to serve responsive images in WebP and the new AVIF format where supported, using the HTML picture element. [...]

Contentful's Fast Forward 2021 Day 2 Keynote πŸ”—

Join Salma and Stefan Judis on a journey through time where they explore how content management and software development has evolved. [...]

TIL: How to use GraphQL variables to give my queries type safety πŸ”—

How can you make sure your GraphQL queries are safe from nasties? Let’s find out. [...]

Next.js Dynamic Routes with Contentful's GraphQL API β€”Β with Jason Lengstorf πŸ”—

In this episode of Learn with Jason, I teach Jason how to use Contentful’s GraphQL API to power Next.js dynamic routes. [...]

What is a REST API? πŸ”—

REST? API? What does it all mean? Let’s break it down. [...]

This box will change your life πŸ”—

Are you struggling with margins, paddings and layout in web development? Understanding the CSS box model will change your life. [...]

Ecommerce and Next.js on the Jamstack β€” with Colby Fayock πŸ”—

I sat down with Colby Fayock to chat about Next.js and how all of its features help enable developers to build great experiences on the web. [...]

How to build a personalized image social sharing app with Cloudinary and Next.js πŸ”—

Encourage your event attendees to share their tickets for your next virtual event! [...]

Why I love building with Next.js β€” a fireside chat with Cassidy Williams of Netlify πŸ”—

I joined Cassidy Williams to talk about the performance benefits of Next.js, and how developers can make the most of the JavaScript framework. [...]

What is an API? πŸ”—

Let's learn about application programming interfaces. [...]

A Next.js complete beginner tutorial using the Spotify API πŸ”—

I'm joined by Ebonie (metalandcoffee_) where we set up a new Next.js and Spotify API project to curate music recommendations. [...]

How to avoid using relative path imports in Next.js πŸ”—

Say goodbye to ../really/long/and/silly/paths/to/components in your Next.js application and define absolute imports with a jsconfig.json file. [...]

How I set up my new Next.js projects with a handy bash script πŸ”—

After I create a new Next.js application I run this bash script to prepare my app for development β€” just the way I like it. Give it a try! [...]

How to add Algolia InstantSearch to your Next.js application πŸ”—

Every content website needs a search box. [...]

How to prevent the collapse of society by building an accessible web πŸ”—

It’s 2031. Society, as we knew it in 2021, has officially collapsed. How do you ensure your website is accessible amidst a raging apocalypse? [...]

How to filter entries by linked references in GraphQL πŸ”—

Check out this quick guide that shows you how to get the data you need using the linkedFrom field in your query. [...]

How to use GitHub actions and Contentful webhooks to show your latest blog posts on your GitHub README πŸ”—

Want to show your latest blog posts on your GitHub README? Here's how I do it using the power of GitHub actions and webhooks in Contentful. [...]

How to make your font sizes accessible with CSS πŸ”—

Here's how to make sure your website respects font size preferences specified in browser settings using two important CSS concepts. [...]

What is BEM in CSS? πŸ”—

Did you change CSS somewhere and something unexpected happened somewhere else? I have the solution for you. [...]

When to use aria-labels in your HTML πŸ”—

This is one of the most important ways to use aria-labels so your code provides contextual information to screen-readers and assistive tech. [...]

Paginating your Contentful blog posts in Next.js with the GraphQL API πŸ”—

In this post, we’re going to build a set of article list pages that display a number of blog post summaries per page. [...]

Exploring linked entries and assets in Contentful with JavaScript via REST and GraphQL πŸ”—

An investigation into the inner workings of the Contentful REST API and GraphQL API. [...]

Rendering linked assets and entries in the Contentful Rich Text field πŸ”—

Take a deep dive into rendering linked assets and entries in the Contentful Rich Text field using both the REST and GraphQL APIs. [...]

How to build, test and release a node module in ES6 πŸ”—

If you Google "build test release npm module" this is the top result. Cool, huh? [...]

3 ways to use Puppeteer and Node.js to screenshot web pages and generate Open Graph images for socials πŸ”—

Take screenshots of browser pages and generate dynamic images to share on your social media accounts. [...]

My Twitch live coding setup in OBS πŸ”—

I often receive questions about how I set up OBS to stream live coding on Twitch β€” so let’s take a look! [...]

How to generate an RSS feed for your blog with JavaScript and Netlify functions πŸ”—

On demand RSS feeds β€” a neat use for serverless functions. [...]

How to make your code blocks accessible on your website πŸ”—

How do you ensure your code blocks adhere to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) standards? [...]

How to build a lightweight microblogging site with Contentful, vanilla HTML, CSS and JavaScript πŸ”—

Learn how to build a lightweight microblog with Contentful and vanilla HTML, CSS and JavaScript. [...]

My non-traditional journey into tech and DevRel πŸ”—

Learn about what led Salma to DevRel and how she accidentally increased engagement in the Contentful Community by 200% on her first day. [...]

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions πŸ”—

A list of questions I am frequently asked whilst I am live streaming on Twitch β€” and the answers. [...]

5 tips for leading teams with an empathy-first approach πŸ”—

Here's me trying to sum up my time as an engineering team lead as I move into DevRel in 2021. [...]

6 things I learned about streaming live coding in my first 6 weeks on Twitch πŸ”—

The most important part of your stream is YOU. [...]