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186 feeds

Adrian Roselli


Tag, You’re It πŸ”—

Eric tagged me into this chain letter of a post. From what I can glean, you are supposed to steal the headings and treat them as questions. Why did yo [...]

CSUNATC 2025 Recap πŸ”—

This post only covers my impressions and experiences from CSUNATC. Others probably had dramatically different experiences. Talk Types The talks seemed [...]

Don’t Use Fake Bold or Italic in Social Media πŸ”—

I posted something on Mastodon that uses Unicode math symbols to produce fake bold and fake italic text. I used to generate it, but I am n [...]

Be Wary of Accessibility Guarantees from Anyone πŸ”—

TL;DR: anyone promising you that a total solution to digital accessibility is coming, and they are the ones bringing it, may be lying. Background In 2 [...]

1.4.10: Adversarial Conformance πŸ”—

This post is part of RSS Club, rewarding those who still use RSS to read and/or share content. These posts are embargoed from my regular post feed and [...]

Generic LLM Chatbot Attestation πŸ”—

LLM-powered chatbots are here to stay. As a result, I am playing around with a disclaimer to recommend for clients. After all, if the LLM says that it [...]

Which VoiceOver? πŸ”—

You may have seen this as a thread on Mastodon (my primary social short-form platform) or on BlueSky. Imagine these as the opening to a series of conv [...]

Don’t Wrap Figure in a Link πŸ”—

In my post Brief Note on Figure and Figcaption Support I demonstrate how, when encountering a figure with a screen reader, you won’t hear everything a [...]

aria-description Does Not Translate πŸ”—

It does, actually. In Firefox. Sometimes. A major risk of using ARIA to define text content is it typically gets overlooked in translation. Automated [...]

Brief Note on Figure and Figcaption Support πŸ”—

I am not going to dive into the details of <figure> and <figcaption>. Go read Scott’s 2019 post How do you figure? for an overview. That said, since S [...]