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161 feeds

David Darnes


Adoption Tracking With GitHub Actions πŸ”—

Track adoption with our new GitHub Action and monitor your design system’s React components across your applications automatically! [...]

WordPress Alternatives πŸ”—

Alternative WordPress options that you can drop onto a server and get running with [...]

Web Components: Little Bits πŸ”—

My talk about using Web Components to sprinkle a little fun onto my website, and how well they work in Design Systems [...]

A Desk of Stickers πŸ”—

This desk has followed me for almost my whole 15-year career, and I didn't even pay for it. Please allow me to digress for a moment about a battered I [...]

How to Track Adoption in Your Design System πŸ”—

The often overlooked side of working on a design system is validating the work itself to stakeholders. In this article, I’ll run through all the tools [...]

heading-anchors Web Component πŸ”—

A Web Component to generate anchor links for headings. [...]

live-filter Web Component πŸ”—

A Web Component for filtering items using a text input. [...]

Awesome Standalones πŸ”—

Reviving one of the most popular Web Components directory on GitHub [...]

Lightning talk at All Day Hey! πŸ”—

My "Building tabs in Web Components" talk from All Day Hey! in Leeds [...]

zeroheight x Storybook: Design system workflow tips πŸ”—

I was joined by Rosie from our Product Team and Varun from Chromatic (Storybook) about the features and benefits of using Storybook with zeroheight. [...]

Live Code Examples in Your Design System With StackBlitz πŸ”—

Having code examples in your design system for developers is super valuable, but do you know what’s even more helpful? Code examples that can be edite [...]

Pixel Pioneers 2024 Highlights πŸ”—

For those who couldn’t make Pixel Pioneers this year, here’s a roundup of the interesting stuff I learned from attending the long-running web developm [...]

The Case for Web Components πŸ”—

A free downloadable whitepaper containing explanations, experience, resources, articles, and expert recommendations that’ll equip you with the skills [...]

code-pen Web Component πŸ”—

A Web Component for opening code blocks in CodePen. [...]

From Design to Code (and Back Again) with zeroheight and StackBlitz πŸ”—

Garrison Snelling from StackBlitz invited me to a livestream, during which we discussed the benefits of providing code examples in design system docum [...]

Color contrast with Web Components πŸ”—

Want to show the contrast levels of two colours? Try out this Web Component I’ve made! [...]

contrast-details Web Component πŸ”—

Use the contrast-details Web Component to present colour contrast information of two colours. [...]

Blogroll πŸ”—

A list of blogs I follow in my RSS reader [...]

random-source Web Component πŸ”—

The random-source Web Component allows you to cycle randomly through different audio or video sources, utilising existing HTML elements and providing [...]

For the Design System Developers out there πŸ”—

Are you looking for early access to developer features coming to zeroheight? Sign up here [...]

Use zeroheight design tokens directly in your codebase πŸ”—

Bring your zeroheight design tokens directly into your development projects using our Tokens Manager features. [...]

My travel coffee brewer πŸ”—

Whenever I travel and I question whether the location will have good coffee nearby I take my Munieq Tetra Drip coffee filter. If you're looking for an [...]

Ideas for my dream CMS πŸ”—

After listening to Chris, Dave and Matt talk about their ideal CMS setup on Shop talk I felt it was an ideal time to share my ideal CMS features as we [...]

Date pickers are hard, whodathunk it πŸ”—

Due to the new job I've given myself permission to consume even more design systems related content. In doing so I listened to a recent Syntax FM epis [...]

link-peek Web Component πŸ”—

The link-peek Web Component allows you to turn a regular anchor link to a rich preview (also known as an 'unfurled' link) to show description, meta im [...]

A crude way to find and follow Thread users from Mastodon πŸ”—

There are a handful of people I'm interested in on Threads that I want to follow from my Mastodon account, so to zero in on this awkward intersect I'v [...]

mastodon-post Web Component πŸ”—

The mastodon-post Web Component allows you to turn a regular link to a Mastodon post into an embeddable post quote including metadata such as reply co [...]

sample-input Web Component πŸ”—

It's great that can upload audio and video files with the input element, but browsers don't make it very easy for the user to preview that file. The s [...]

play-button Web Component πŸ”—

Styling audio and video elements can be a bit of a pain, especially across browsers. At the same time current solutions are either hacky CSS or overly [...]

What I did in 2023 πŸ”—

Survived. [...]

storage-form Web Component πŸ”—

storage-form is a Web Component to allow regular form elements to interact with the browsers local storage. This can be really useful when building we [...]

is-playing Web Component πŸ”—

is-playing is a Web Component that checks if an audio or video element is playing content and applies a playing attribute to itself and the element th [...]

Web Component GitHub starter template πŸ”—

I made an open source GitHub template to help me spin up new Web Components, and I thought you might find it useful as well. [...]

share-button Web Component πŸ”—

share-button is a Web Component that turns a regular button element into a button that can invoke the native sharing options within the OS. [...]

Design Systems & Web Components: what works & what doesn't πŸ”—

I was invited by the Netherlands Government Digital Services to speak at their Design Systems Week on the topic of using Web Components in design syst [...]

Post previews with Ghost, Eleventy & Netlify πŸ”—

A while back, I updated my Eleventy plugin for Ghost so you get more data from your Ghost instance, including the ability to retrieve draft posts. Her [...]

How Nordhealth uses Custom Properties in Web Components πŸ”—

The benefits of using Custom Properties in design systems and component libraries. [...]

Web Components & Lit πŸ”—

Phil Hawksworth from Netlify invited me and Jack Franklin from Google to talk about Web Components and Lit in a YouTube livestream. It was great to sh [...]

You should add a generator tag to your Eleventy site πŸ”—

Hear me out on this one, I've got a short but sensible list as to why. [...]

Building tabs in Web Components πŸ”—

Part of my role at Nordhealth is to design, develop and expand upon our ever increasing roster of Web Components within the Nord Design System. One of [...]

Using Display-P3 colour πŸ”—

I wanted really bright colours on my site, but in order to do that I needed to delve into a rabbit hole of using Display-P3 colour in CSS. Here's how [...]

Using a GitHub repo directory as an npm package πŸ”—

The following tutorial explains how to use a GitHub repo directory, or folder, as if it were an npm package. [...]

First monthly update for Nord Design System πŸ”—

This was my first monthly update as part of the Nordhealth Design System team. I go into detail on our CSS Framework and the recently completed comman [...]

My home desk setup πŸ”—

After posting a picture of my desk covered in stickers I was asked to submit my desk setup to Check out what I use for my remote working se [...]

How to use Markup for Your E-Commerce Sites πŸ”—

In this article I’ll dive into, a tool for annotating web pages to provide search engines with more meaning about the content. You’ll bette [...]

Add a Formspree Form to Your Static Sites πŸ”—

In this tutorial we’re going to look at a hassle-free way of adding dynamic, flexible forms to your static websites. [...]

Jekyll alternatives: The benefits to JavaScript static site generators πŸ”—

Jekyll paved the way for an entire ecosystem of static site generators to flourish, but what do these new JavaScript SSGs offer over Jekyll? Let’s fin [...]

Blogging on the Jamstack with DropInBlog, Netlify & Eleventy πŸ”—

In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to switch from using client-side JavaScript to power your DropInBlog blog to using it as a fully functioning β€˜head [...]

What is Eleventy? πŸ”—

I was kindly invited onto the Smashing Podcast to talk with Drew McLellan about Eleventy. Follow the link to listen. [...]

Switching to Netlify DNS πŸ”—

If you’re onboard with Netlify then maybe you should switch your custom domains to their platform as well. In this tutorial I’ll show you how to move [...]

Let’s Learn Ghost on the Jamstack! Livestream Q & A πŸ”—

I recently joined Jason Lengstorf on his Twitch show Learn With Jason. I didn’t get around to answering all the questions from the live chat. Thankful [...]

Building a Netlify Build Plugin πŸ”—

Netlify Build Plugins let you tap into the different phases in the build process that happen on Netlify. After being invited to the beta I spent some [...]

Page translations and multi-language selects πŸ”—

Multi-language sites are straight up hard to do. You would think there’s standard HTML spec stuff to handle this kinda stuff? Well there is! [...]

Minimum viable analytics πŸ”—

I recently switched all my personal project sites to Netlify. I’d like to share how I made the move, my experiences, and the tooling I use to manage d [...]

How to use Ghost with Jekyll πŸ”—

Someone made an interesting query recently that I couldn’t help but take on as a challenge: Is there any way to use Ghost with Jekyll? [...]

Eleventy and Ghost πŸ”—

My full write up on the official Ghost changelog blog on what's possible with Ghost and Eleventy [...]

Use Eleventy to generate a Ghost blog πŸ”—

Last night I had a thought: What if I could source a Ghost blog from the Ghost Content API and then generate a static blog all inside of Eleventy? [...]

5 excellent examples of progressive web applications πŸ”—

Chrome 73 has just landed with the ability to install PWAs, but what is a PWA? Well as you’ve probably read in the title, PWA stands for Progressive W [...]

Experiments in augmented reality with Apple’s ARKit πŸ”—

ARKit is a development platform created by Apple to allow developers to use augmented reality on iOS devices. We can use ARKit to create virtual objec [...]

Coding a festive puzzle game with modern front-end techniques πŸ”—

T’is the season, by which I mean the season where some of us have down-time to do a little practical learning with code. And what better way to learn [...]

5 tips for a happier front-end Development Team πŸ”—

During my time at Simpleweb I’ve learnt an incredible amount of tools, techniques, practices and general front-end development knowledge. In this arti [...]

Dropping the mic on Netlify in 20 minutes πŸ”—

Alright, so I didn’t actually drop the mic on Netlify; I dropped a site on it. Netlify Drop is a tool where you can grab a folder containing a site or [...]

Making your first Jekyll theme: Part 2 πŸ”—

In Part 1, I gave an overview of creating themes for Jekyll and a few tips for when you’re developing your own theme. In this second part, I’m going t [...]

Making your first Jekyll theme: Part 1 πŸ”—

By nature, any well structured site that has easily editable content is β€˜themeable’ β€” a layer, or skin, that presents content in the way the owner or [...]

Adding heading links to your Jekyll blog πŸ”—

Just a brief JavaScript trick to get anchor links added to your Jekyll blog post headings. [...]

What do we look for in a CMS? πŸ”—

I posed this question in several forms on Twitter to get feedback from the community. After some consideration, polls and great discussion, I came up [...]

My worst job interview πŸ”—

My worst job interview didn’t get me very far; not even into their office. It was just a phone call. It was a brief and kind of upsetting moment in my [...]

How to create a Jekyll theme gem πŸ”—

One of Jekyll’s noteworthy new features is the ability create official themes in the form of Ruby gems. These themes can be installed by a Jekyll user [...]

Adding Siteleaf to a GitHub Pages site πŸ”—

I’ve been using Siteleaf a lot recently, for both my day job and personal projects. In light of this, I decided to create a screencast of myself going [...]

I put CSS in my HTML and nothing exploded πŸ”—

When I first felt comfortable with front-end web development, I thought inline CSS was a filthy thing to do; something that could only be done in hast [...]

My domain is my playground πŸ”—

Whenever I want to test or try something out, I do one of three things; I create a new pen on CodePen, push some files to a new Surge project, or I’ll [...]

Jekyll Conf lightning talk πŸ”—

Recently I was asked by CloudCannon to record a lightning talk for Jekyll Conf. It was a great opportunity to contribute to the Jekyll community. You [...]

How to create an open source portfolio πŸ”—

One really useful aspect of GitHub repos is that they allow us to host static websites thanks to GitHub Pages. But did you know that you can dynamical [...]

Could GitHub make a CMS? πŸ”—

Following on from my previous article, I wanted to explore the idea of GitHub making a CMS. What would it be? How would it work? Why would they even d [...]

Building a site entirely on πŸ”—

Have you ever thought: What’s the minimum I need in order to build a site? I’ve thought about it quite a bit. So much so, I like to test my theories o [...]

My screencasting setup πŸ”—

A while ago I created a screencast series called β€˜Baking’, this was in preparation for a course for Tuts+ called β€˜Building Websites with Base [...]

GitHub Pages & custom domains πŸ”—

I love GitHub Pages. So much so that I’ve created several websites using it. This site runs on it, and a few others. What I don’t love is setting up d [...]

I listen to too many podcasts πŸ”—

I’ve had to take a break from listening to podcasts as all I’ve been doing in playing catch up with every single episode of them, rather than listenin [...]

How to implement cross-browser SVG Sprites πŸ”—

In this tutorial I’m going to demonstrate a basic implementation of some SVG icons, how to provide a fallback, and how to turn them into an SVG sprite [...]

5 ways to be a better front-end web developer πŸ”—

Frontend web development can be a confusing area to work in. With new techniques, tools and technologies appearing daily, it can be difficult to maint [...]

Anchor CMS – What is it? πŸ”—

Anchor is a lightweight CMS designed to be simple but effective. It was originally created by the mysterious web designer & developer Visual Idiot. It [...]

Creating a theme for Anchor CMS πŸ”—

We’re going to be making a custom theme for the β€˜up and coming’ open source CMS, Anchor. Anchor is a super simple, lightweight and bullet fast content [...]

Web Dev Conference 2012: Look back πŸ”—

A week or so ago I attended WDC 2012 (Web Development Conference 2012), which was my first web design & development conference. And yes, I did put des [...]

Tracking time πŸ”—

Not long ago I asked my Twitter followers what they suggest for a single person to track their time with. I was worried it might open up a can of worm [...]

Just get it done πŸ”—

The scenario is that you've set yourself the task of creating an app, plugin, blog, android or (in my case) personal portfolio website. And thats grea [...]