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Piccalilli - Everything


What the heck is an SVG sprite sheet? 🔗

I love an article that presumes no prior knowledge and quickly gets everyone up to the same level with clear, concise content. I also love an article [...]

Full text RSS is back 🔗

This is just a quick one and something I never wanted to have to announce, but here we are: our RSS feed is back to being a full text RSS feed. This h [...]

Applying P3 colours on an existing project 🔗

I’ll be honest. I am not smart enough to explain the new colour systems that CSS has in its ever-expanding toolset. What I can do though, is show you [...]

What is Motion Sensitivity? How to Design Accessible Web Animations 🔗

Talk about an evergreen quote: Well, I think it is as simple as this: everyone deserves to enjoy the digital world without feeling unwell. I’ve got [...]

Upcoming custom element support in React 🔗

I’ve written earlier in the year about how React was getting a bit of a kicking and a contributing factor to that was a seemingly excruciatingly slow [...]