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tbeseda (Taylor Beseda) blog


Bash to initialize a project 🔗

Most of the time I start an experiment/idea with an empty directory. So I've got a couple bash programs to help "upgrade" those stubs into a full proj [...]

Invest in Yourself 🔗

... not some company's thrash machine. [...]

Previewing GitHub Copilot Workspaces 🔗

I've since lost access, but I created a PR on a small library I publish with just Copilot Workspaces in my browser. Impressive but not all that helpfu [...]

Create Dynamic Open Graph Images from HTML and CSS 🔗

Using HTML and CSS, my server dynamically creates og:image assets for any given blog article. A special HTTP Node.js Lambda creates them on demand and [...]

Automating My robots.txt to Block AI User Agents 🔗 provides a nice list of known AI scraper agents. I'm automatically updating my site's /robots.txt [...]

AWS Bedrock with aws-lite 🔗

Connect to AWS Bedrock with the latest release of aws-lite. In less than 50 lines, we'll be able to select a model and send a query. [...]

Compare Node.js Module Sizes With a CLI 🔗

While there are many ways to analyze `./node_modules`, I use a CLI utility from npm called `howfat` to compare package install sizes. This is very hel [...]

Quick Color Functions for a Node.js CLI 🔗

Here are a few functions for adding color to CLI output while respecting the NO_COLOR env variable. [...]

Super Helpful: Server-Timing HTTP Response Headers 🔗

TIL about the Server-Timing header and the accompanying browser dev tools feature. So I built a quick helper to create and transmit performance timers [...]

Easy Confirmation Prompt for Node.js CLI Script 🔗

Prompt the user if they'd like to continue when executing a Node.js script from the command line. [...]

Check If Node.js File is Imported or Run as CLI 🔗

How to check if a Node.js (ESM) program is being executed on the command line or when imported by a Node.js process. [...]

vendurl: Vendor Packages from a URL to Your Node.js Project 🔗

Some libraries are not available on npm or not published in a way you'd like to consume. Vendor them to your project from a URL with vendurl. [...]

HTML-First Web Dev Learning Path 🔗

How I'd teach a newcomer to build for the web. [...]

Add htmx to an Enhance Project 🔗

Use Enhance @bundles to include htmx and make it available to all of your app's web components. [...]

Get a random record from 126K lines of JSON 🔗

How I put a 76MB file in a Lambda and grab a random line without loading the whole thing into memory. [...]

An Image of Some Bison 🔗

I added image uploading to my custom blog editor, so here's some AI bison I made with Midjourney. [...]

Thoughts on SSR: Do It 🔗

Less browser JS pixel pushing and more hard work on the server. [...]

My Articles on Begin 🔗

A roundup of posts I've authored for's blog. [...]

gitclean zsh command 🔗

A command to run git clean with a confirmation step [...]

Hello, World 🔗

Back at it. My first entry on I can't remember all the places I've published content, but I'm motivated to centralize it. It may not alwa [...]

Run Hurl tests against a Node.js server 🔗

A simple script to run Hurl tests against a Node.js server [...]

A Story About the Evolution of a New Web Framework 🔗

The original web was a revelation... [...]

I use exa instead of ls 🔗

List directories at the command line with exa. [...]