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TkDodo's blog


Component Composition is great btw 🔗

Component composition is one of the best parts of React, and I think we should take more time to break our components into manageable parts before lit [...]

How Infinite Queries work 🔗

A serious bug report about infinite queries led me to question it's architecture, but it all turned out fine in the end ... [...]

Introducing XState Store 🔗

There's a new state manager in the game, and it ticks all my boxes ... [...]

Please Stop Using Barrel Files 🔗

Why you probably shouldn't be adding index.ts files everywhere [...]

React 19 and Suspense - A Drama in 3 Acts 🔗

React 19 is a very promising release - but there's something not quite right yet with suspense... [...]

Automatic Query Invalidation after Mutations 🔗

Even though there is nothing built into React Query, it doesn't need a lot of code to implement automatic query invalidation in user-land thanks to th [...]

Zustand and React Context 🔗

Zustand stores a global and don't need React Context - but sometimes, it makes sense to combine them regardless. [...]

Avoiding Hydration Mismatches with useSyncExternalStore 🔗

Avoiding hydration mismatches can usually be done in two ways - suppressing the warning or spawning an effect. But is there a third option ... ? [...]

The Query Options API 🔗

v5 brought a new, powerful API, especially if you're using React Query with TypeScript... [...]

2023 in Review 🔗

A retrospective on what has happened for me in 2023 [...]

Why You Want React Query 🔗

Let's take a look at why you'd want a library like React Query, even if you don't need all the extra features it provides... [...]

The Uphill Battle of Memoization 🔗

Exploring why React.memo shouldn't be your first choice for performance optimizations [...]

Array Types in TypeScript 🔗

is string[] really better than Array? Of course not! [...]

React Query and React Context 🔗

Can it make sense to combine React Query with React Context ? Yes, sometimes ... [...]

Thinking in React Query 🔗

In this talk, we will learn how a different mindset can help us understand React Query and work with it efficiently. [...]

You Might Not Need React Query 🔗

React Query is a great library, but like any tool, you should choose it for the right problem [...]

Breaking React Query's API on purpose 🔗

Why good API design matters, even if it means breaking existing APIs in the face of resistance. [...]

OSS Feature Decision Tree 🔗

An outline of the questions I try to ask myself before adding new features [...]

Why React isn't dying 🔗

Finishing my train of thought about why React is here to stay (for now). [...]

Type-safe React Query 🔗

About the difference between "having types" and "being type-safe"... [...]

2022 in Review 🔗

A retrospective on what has happened for me in 2022 [...]

Inside React Query 🔗

Taking a look under the hood of React Query [...]

Working with Zustand 🔗

Let's dive into some tips for working with Zustand - one of my favourite client state management libraries in React. [...]

Refactor impactfully 🔗

Why not every refactoring is worth doing... [...]

Seeding the Query Cache 🔗

With suspense for data fetching on the horizon, it is now more important than ever to make sure your cache is seeded properly to avoid fetch waterfall [...]

Refs, Events and Escape Hatches 🔗

Refs can provide a way to sidestep dependency arrays without violating any rules, and the proposed useEvent hook might make working with functions and [...]

React Query meets React Router 🔗

React Query and React Router are a match made in heaven. [...]

Avoiding useEffect with callback refs 🔗

Interacting with DOM nodes doesn't necessarily need useEffect [...]

React Query FAQs 🔗

Answering the most frequently asked React Query questions [...]

Hooks, Dependencies and Stale Closures 🔗

Let's demystify what stale closures are in combination with react hooks with the help of the analogy of taking a photo ... [...]

React Query and Forms 🔗

Forms tend to blur the line between server and client state, so let's see how that plays together with React Query. [...]

Use Urgency 🔗

Getting huge refactorings going is not an easy task, but urgency can help here. [...]

optional vs. undefined 🔗

There is a subtle difference between optional fields and required, but potentially undefined ones. [...]

Offline React Query 🔗

A glimpse at what v4 will bring for offline queries [...]

Always provide customer value 🔗

Finding the right spot for doing a refactoring can be tricky [...]

Road to Refactoring 🔗

A blogpost series about patterns that have helped me succeed with refactorings [...]

2021 in Review 🔗

A retrospective on what has happened for me in 2021 [...]

Beware the leaking any 🔗

Any is not among my favourite TypeScript types, but it is the one you will inevitably encounter. Let's see what makes it so dangerous. [...]

Leveraging the Query Function Context 🔗

Use what React Query provides for optimal type safety [...]

Mastering Mutations in React Query 🔗

Learn all about the concept of performing side effects on the server with React Query. [...]

useState vs useReducer 🔗

To useState or useReducer, that is the question... [...]

React Query Error Handling 🔗

After covering the sunshine cases of data fetching, it's time to look at situations where things don't go as planned and "Something went wrong..." [...]

React Query as a State Manager 🔗

Everything you need to know to make React Query your single source of truth state manager for your async state [...]

Placeholder and Initial Data in React Query 🔗

Learn about the different possibilities to avoid loading spinners in React Query. [...]

About async functions 🔗

A deep dive into async functions and how they are different from promise chaining [...]

Effective React Query Keys 🔗

Learn how to structure React Query Keys effectively as your App grows [...]

Using WebSockets with React Query 🔗

A step-by-step guide on how to make real-time notifications work with react-query [...]

React Query and TypeScript 🔗

Combine two of the most powerful tools for React Apps to produce great user experience, developer experience and type safety. [...]

How can I ... ? 🔗

Asking the right questions is a form of art that needs to be mastered. [...]

Testing React Query 🔗

Let's take a look at how to efficiently test custom useQuery hooks and components using them. [...]

Status Checks in React Query 🔗

How the wrong status check order can negatively impact user experience [...]

React Query Render Optimizations 🔗

An advanced guide to minimize component re-renderings when using React Query [...]

useState for one-time initializations 🔗

Why you shouldn't rely on useMemo for guaranteed referential stability but prefer useState instead [...]

React Query Data Transformations 🔗

Learn the possibilities to perform the quite common and important task of transforming your data with react-query [...]

No love for boolean parameters 🔗

Innocent looking boolean parameters, or flags, are often the reason for hard to maintain legacy code. Resist the urge of adding them! [...]

Things to know about useState 🔗

5 things everyone needs to know about useState [...]

Simplifying useEffect 🔗

useEffect hooks can be hard to reason about, but I have 5 principles that can help to manage them [...]

Flow to TypeScript migration journey 🔗

How we migrated over 100k lines of code from Flow to TypeScript. A Journey. [...]

On naming things 🔗

Naming is hard. Naming is subjective. Yet there are some things we can objectively do when it comes to finding proper names. [...]

Practical React Query 🔗

Let me share with you the experiences I have made lately with React Query. Fetching data in React has never been this delightful... [...]

Avoiding legacy systems 🔗

Every software will eventually become a nightmare to maintain, unless we actively do something about it. [...]

Putting props to useState 🔗

Part deux of the useState pitfalls series is here, showing patterns to help solve the common use-case of initializing state with a prop. [...]

The power of const assertions 🔗

const assertions are a criminally underused TypeScript feature - learn all about them here, now [...]

Pedantic index signatures in TypeScript 4.1 🔗

Accessing objects and arrays has never been safe in TypeScript, but this is about to change ... [...]

Why I don't like reduce 🔗

If you know me, you know I'm no fan of Array.reduce. I'll explain why in detail in this post. [...]

Calling JavaScript from TypeScript 🔗

Gradually migrating from JS to TS is not without difficulties - here are some tricks to smoothen the interoperability [...]

Solving conflicts in package-lock.json 🔗

Why you should never delete package-lock.json and how npm can solve the conflicts for you [...]

Don't over useState 🔗

The first part of the useState pitfalls series is all about avoiding state altogether. Lots of things might not even be state after all... [...]

Exhaustive matching in TypeScript 🔗