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Rach Smith's digital garden


Code sketch #5 πŸ”—

I started this one with a grid of squares. I imagined an invisible circle growing from the centre of the grid, and the squares changing size depending [...]

Styling the external links on this site πŸ”—

One nice side-effect of doing this #WeblogPoMo2024 challenge is that I'm forced to look at my website every day, and I'm inspired to make little chang [...]

I've never done a real interview πŸ”—

I was listening to a recent ShopTalk Show episode where Dave Rupert was sharing about his experience of looking for a developer job this year. It made [...]

Mum jeans πŸ”—

I know we're not supposed to be wearing skinny jeans anymore. The wide leg is what's cool. But every time I pull on a pair of jeans that are not skinn [...]

How quickly can I make an Astro DB project? (part 2) πŸ”—

See part 1. I don't have by-the-minute updates today. But I can tell you that I spent another 40 minutes on this and I have something that writes to t [...]

How quickly can I make an Astro DB project? (part 1) πŸ”—

I've been meaning to try out Astro DB and I have a little project I need to make for our school, but I don't have a lot of time. Here's a real-time li [...]

Post Brain πŸ”—

I don't know if there's a proper name for this pattern of thinking, so I'll just call it Post Brain. Post Brain is when you go about your day constan [...]

On being a mother πŸ”—

On this Mother's Day, I would like to say that I am so very grateful to be a mother. I of course cherish my children and all the joy they bring: the f [...]

Code sketch #4 πŸ”—

I wanted to make something bees and bombsesque for code sketch #4. Like their old school, minimal stuff. I started with some squares moving around a s [...]

The worse you feel, the more committed you are to your protocol πŸ”—

I’m reading AretΓ© by Brian Johnson at the moment (no, not that Bryan Johnson). I would describe it as a summation of every self help book ever written [...]

My favourite afternoon snack πŸ”—

This is my favourite snack to eat at the moment. You need: frozen blueberries cottage cheese peanut butter The amount of each doesn't matter. I probab [...]

How does Anh Do write so many books? πŸ”—

Something I think about often: how does Anh Do write so many books in such a short span of time? Some context for overseas readers: Anh Do is an Austr [...]

Creativity sprints πŸ”—

I was worried I would very quickly run out of things to write about when I first started on #WeblogPoMo2024, but it turns out if I make myself produce [...]

I added a now page to the site πŸ”—

I didn't post anything on this site for half of March and all of April. I also wasn't on socials much. It was such a long quiet period that a couple o [...]

Spotify DJ is like a music pokie πŸ”—

I remember when Spotify DJ showed up in my kids' Spotify account on my phone. My oldest asked: "what's that?". I explained it looked like a DJ would c [...]

I'm in a paperless trap of my own making πŸ”—

We've been running a paperless house for years now. Any paper that crosses the threshold is either scanned and filed (if important) or put in the bin. [...]

Using lighter YouTube embeds on the site πŸ”—

In yesterday's note I added a bunch of YouTube embeds. I remembered that I've been meaning to use a better alternative for a while now. I didn't have [...]

DJs that wear things over their head πŸ”—

Today my son saw a Marshmello clip on Spotify and asked why he was wearing the marshmallow helmet. I explained that some artists like to wear a mask t [...]

Month notes & numbers β„–4 πŸ”—

A small update as I spent around half of the month sick (since when do adults get ear infections?). Notable Seattle and West LA. For leg 2 and 3 of ou [...]

Is it cheating if your first post for Weblog Posting Month is about how you're partaking in Weblog Posting Month? πŸ”—

I haven't posted many notes here of late. It's not like I've had writer's block or have been struggling with perfectionism. It's just amongst the jugg [...]