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Stefan Judis Web Development


Web Weekly #130 (#blogPost) πŸ”—

Guten Tag! Guten Tag! πŸ‘‹ Do you know how ARIA live regions work? Or do you sometimes struggle to center text vertically? Or want to get started with [...]

Target=_blank implies rel=noopener (#tilPost) πŸ”—

If you want to be a good web citizen, you might be aware of the target="_blank" security issue. In the old days, when you linked to a site and wanted [...]

Web Weekly #129 (#blogPost) πŸ”—

Guten Tag! Guten Tag! πŸ‘‹ Do you know how to track long animation frames that are responsible for a poor INP score? Have you used the text-emphasis CS [...]

Web Weekly #128 (#blogPost) πŸ”—

Guten Tag! Guten Tag! πŸ‘‹ Did you know that you can apply padding to img elements? Or that AbortSignals have a timeout method? Or why can you use clas [...]

VS Code's new minimap section headers (#blogPost) πŸ”—

When I started coding, Sublime was the editor of choice. It was lightweight, fast and ... drum rolls ... had the minimapβ„’. The minimap made the editor [...]

Disable Angular's scroll position restoration for specific routes (#snippet) πŸ”—

I've been doing Angular development lately, and as with any single-page app, the "Let's do everything in JS" approach breaks basic web functionality. [...]

Reveal an image with smart padding (#snippet) πŸ”—

Here's Temani Afif once again doing what he does best: creating wild single-element tricks. What's on this time? The preview below shows the article's [...]

Web Weekly #127 (#blogPost) πŸ”—

Guten Tag! Guten Tag! πŸ‘‹ How could you use the new CSS @scope to create encapsulated component styles? What does the quotes CSS property do? And when [...]

Index images, videos and news with specialized sitemaps (#tilPost) πŸ”—

If you take the time to create content online, you probably want people to read it. It doesn't have to go viral, but it'd be nice if some folks read i [...]

Why do I fail at achieving personal goals? (#note) πŸ”—

Disclaimer: I don't have the answer to this hefty post title, but Jacob Kaplan-Moss just woke me up to think about life. So, let's blog about it. Why [...]

Bun's trusted dependencies (#note) πŸ”—

Bun 1.1 was released, and of course, "Everything's faster" β€” again. Fun fact: the runtime added a native stringWidth method to evaluate character widt [...]

Unit testing AI apps (#note) πŸ”—

How do you evaluate your software's doing what it's supposed to do? Do you test all your app's possible cases, branches and states? I don't, at least [...]

Web Weekly #126 (#blogPost) πŸ”—

Guten Tag! Guten Tag! πŸ‘‹ When will align-content work in divs? Does the new popover attribute improve accessibility? And why does margin: auto work o [...]

Reasons for opening links in a new tab (#blogPost) πŸ”—

I can't tell you how many times I've discussed whether and when links should or shouldn't open a new tab. It's one of those topics that is impossible [...]

disabled vs aria-disabled on form elements (#note) πŸ”—

I'll definitely reference the following blog post in the future. Kitty Giraudel describes when to use disabled and aria-disabled. Ready? Because here [...]

Timestamped Git yolo commits (#snippet) πŸ”—

Kyle Shevlin blogged about his belief in detailed atomic commits at work. On the contrary, he changes entire projects with a single commit in side pro [...]

Auto-margin works with absolute positioned elements (#tilPost) πŸ”—

How often do you set margin on absolute positioned elements? I rarely do it and might even say I've never done it. I mean, the whole point of absolute [...]

A list of design inspiration lists (#blogPost) πŸ”—

I love a good list! Especially when it comes to design stuff, I've no clue what I'm doing. I'm just looking around copying how everybody else solve a [...]

Web Weekly #125 (#blogPost) πŸ”—

Guten Tag! Guten Tag! πŸ‘‹ Do you know that flexbox comes with safe and unsafe alignment? Would you use container query units for fluid type? And how m [...]

The death of custom media queries (#note) πŸ”—

You know the problem: you want to reuse custom properties in media queries but can't. :root { --width: 20em; } /* this doesn't work :/ */ @media (m [...]

Web Weekly #124 (#blogPost) πŸ”—

Guten Tag! Guten Tag! πŸ‘‹ What's the status of Apple's PWA disaster? Should you self-host everything to avoid serverless horror stories? And what do y [...]

Readonly files in VSCode (#tilPost) πŸ”—

Here's a quick tip from the excellent newsletter: VS Code allows you to mark files as readonly. When would you use it? Many applications [...]

Forever projects (#note) πŸ”—

I have the constant urge to "do stuff". My to-do and idea lists are endless collections of things I'd love to do one day. But there's a problem β€” my s [...]

Web Weekly #123 (#blogPost) πŸ”—

Guten Tag! Guten Tag! πŸ‘‹ Do you know the sudo command has a cute logo? Or how executables are structured? Or how color spaces work on the web? Turn o [...]

htmz β€” a 176 bytes htmx alternative (#note) πŸ”—

htmx has been pretty loud lately because it moves functionality, like swapping out DOM elements into declarative HTML. Love it or hate it, I think it' [...]