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Jim Nielsen’s Blog


Errors Aren’t All Bad 🔗

Adam Silver wrote “Don’t use the maxlength attribute to stop users from exceeding the limit” which seems like one of those obvious things that needn’t [...]

Bulletproof Method to Solving Problems 🔗

Step 1: Write down the problem in a message you plan to send to a co-worker. Most of the time you’ll solve the problem before you’re done with Step 1. [...]

Motorcycles, Cars, Websites, and Seams 🔗

In high school, I had a friend named Joe who owned a Honda Trail 110, a small motorcycle with enough history for its own Wikipedia page. It didn’t go [...]

The Big Sur-ification of macOS Icons 🔗

Here’s an example of some icons that transitioned well in the Big Sur-ification of macOS icons: And just for good measure, here’s a few more — I love [...]

Interdisciplinary Website Maker 🔗

Paul Ford has a great article at Wired about his own experience as an English major working in tech. While I myself am not an English major (more on t [...]

Consistent Navigation Across My Inconsistent Websites 🔗

Anything I ship to my personal domain is made using IDD: impulse driven development. I can convince myself that just about anything is [...]

Faster Connectivity !== Faster Websites 🔗

This post from Dan Luu discussing how web bloat impacts users with slow devices caused me to reflect on the supposition that faster connectivity means [...]

You Are What You Read, Even If You Don’t Always Remember It 🔗

Here’s Dave Rupert (from my notes): the goal of a book isn’t to get to the last page, it’s to expand your thinking. I have to constantly remind myself [...]

Implementing Netlify’s Image CDN 🔗

tl;dr I implemented Netlify’s new image transformation service on my icon gallery sites and saw a pretty drastic decrease in overall bandwidth. Here a [...]

Expose Platform APIs Over Wrapping Them 🔗

From Kent C. Dodds’ article about why he won’t be using Next.js: One of the primary differences between enzyme and Testing Library is that while enzym [...]