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My month of rest and relaxation πŸ”—

After 4 (cumulative) years of service at my job in late 2023, I became eligible for a 3-month paid sabbatical (honestly what a perk). My only prior ex [...]

I repaired my Steam Deck and it was fine, actually πŸ”—

For Christmas 2022, I bought my husband a Steam Deck. It's a handheld games console that runs a version of Linux (so you can also use it as a computer [...]

2024: The year in lists πŸ”—

It’s Boxing Day and I’m a small pile on the sofa. We successfully Did Christmas at ours this year, and I never want to see another mince pie (until ne [...]

Good links: 8 December 2024 πŸ”—

modernity is stupid: a rant not about politics - every word of this post resonates, and you should read it. [...]

Some things I've been enjoying recently (November 2024 edition) πŸ”—

A roundup of fun things and projects. TV I mentioned to my husband that I'd never watched Life on Mars, so we're watching it all the way through, and [...]

The art in everyday life πŸ”—

I was very fortunate to speak at another excellent Beyond Tellerrand last week, alongside some brilliant and wonderful people. Once again I was inspir [...]

Good links: 22 September 2024 πŸ”—

Nic Chan - Nic has just finished rebuilding her website and it’s INCREDIBLE! Seriously just look at it CSS { In Real Life } | Limitation Breeds Creati [...]

You should go to conferences πŸ”—

Those of you who know me (or who have been reading my posts for a while) will know that I'm often at conferences. I tend to speak at around four a yea [...]

New garden theme πŸ”—

I've built a new theme for this site, inspired by my love of gardening as well as one of my favourite video games., who I've credited on the a [...]

Good links: 15 September 2024 πŸ”—

How to Monetize a Blog - Just read it, ok? I promise it’s extremely worth it. [...]

Good links: 18 August 2024 πŸ”—

The area element - I’m really enjoying Heydon’s HTML element safari, from the better-known to the lesser-known. This will certainly fall into the latt [...]

liveness probe πŸ”—

After an initial burst of blogging energy January followed by a series of automated posts featuring good things I’d read recently, it fell off a cliff [...]

Different ways to mock third-party integrations in Jest πŸ”—

A few years back I got so bored of taking attendance for my choir that I wrote a Slack integration to do it for me (I got us on Slack in 2014). That e [...]

Good links: 12 May 2024 πŸ”—

Heat Death of the Internet - takahΔ“ - β€œThe first page of Google results are links to pages that have scraped other pages for information from other pa [...]

New keyboard alert! Mykeyclub MKC75 πŸ”—

Say hello to the Mykeyclub MKC75! It's so pretty! This is going to be my new office keyboard. Weighted aluminium case, so nice and heavy without too [...]

Twitter reply guys were bad, but Mastodon is no better πŸ”—

Mastodon has often been touted as some kind of grassroots utopia compared to the bro-niverse that is Twitter. But in my experience it's exactly the sa [...]

All Day Hey 2024, and some stuff I bought in Leeds πŸ”—

First conference of the year is done, and what a conference it was! I begged Josh to let me speak at All Day Hey in 2022, and he promised me a slot in [...]

Good links: 28 April 2024 πŸ”—

On having no visual memory - Rachel Andrew shares her experiences of what it’s like to have aphantasia. Why Good Captioned Videos Are Important – Mery [...]

Good links: 14 April 2024 πŸ”—

You’re a Blogger, Not an Essayist - I am BARRY HESS - β€œYou don’t need to labor over your posts. You don’t need to have perfect grammar or spelling. Yo [...]

A good recipe: Ways with rhubarb πŸ”—

It's rhubarb season! I came home from my parents' last weekend with a large armful of the stuff. Rhubarb is extremely tart and not very nice on its ow [...]

Upcoming talk: All Day Hey, Leeds - 2nd May 2024 πŸ”—

Two years after All Day Hey made me realise I missed the web, I'm really excited to be speaking there myself! I'll be talking about technical migratio [...]

Good links: 31 March 2024 πŸ”—

"a proper cup of tea" by Terry - An absolutely joyously chaotic tea-making game. I recommend trying all the different combinations for maximum mirth. [...]

Good links: 17 March 2024 πŸ”—

Why I’m Ready to Party Like It’s 1999…Again - Jared White reflects on his early experiences of the web, and suggests maybe we’re ready to do the 90s w [...]

Some things I've been enjoying recently πŸ”—

This isn't going to be a tech post, mainly because I haven't really been enjoying tech things recently. I spend all day thinking about technical integ [...]

Good links: 10 March 2024 πŸ”—

Some little ways I’m using CSS :has() in the real world - Piccalilli - Some great tips for one of my favourite recent CSS features. Case Study: lynnan [...]

Good links: 3 March 2024 πŸ”—

Tailwind vs Semantic CSS - Found via Andy Bell's site - as he puts it, this post is pretty clearly biased towards semantic CSS but I think it's pretty [...]

Good links: 25 February 2024 πŸ”—

It's OK to abandon your side-project - Robb Owen - "We hear about all the side-project success stories, but what if we talked more openly about the on [...]

Good links: 18 February 2024 πŸ”—

The Midnight Pub - A tiny forum in the form of a virtual pub. It even has a speakeasy. This website is personal - Frills - I really identify with this [...]

Good links: 4 February 2024 πŸ”—

Please, don’t force me to log in - It feels like every website or connected device wants you to sign up before you can use it these days… It feels lik [...]

Listen to this: The Stand-in by Caitlin Rose πŸ”—

At university I worked at Manchester Academy, and would often end up behind the bar at all sorts of gigs from pop, to metal, to folk. Metal gigs were [...]

Good links: 28 January 2024 πŸ”—

Old'aVista - Altavista was my first search engine (or should I say altavista+was+my+first+search+engine) and this is a delightful trip down memory lan [...]

So you've decided to get into mechanical keyboards πŸ”—

This is a dangerous path you're about to walk down. Is your wallet ready? Whether you prefer the smooth glide of linear switches, the gentle bump of a [...]

Automated weekly links posts with and Eleventy πŸ”—

Edit 04/02/24 to change the comparator date from midnight on previous Saturday to midnight on previous Sunday to prevent duplicate links being publish [...]

Good links: 21 January 2024 πŸ”—

The Internet Is Full of AI Dogshit - Aftermath - How AI-generated content is ruining search engines for everyone. Exposed RSS - I get sites not having [...]

How I deploy my Eleventy site to Neocities πŸ”—

Skip to the bit you care about: About Neocities Hosting a static site on Neocities Continuous deployment to Neocities with Github Actions Scheduling [...]

Sending webmentions from a static site πŸ”—

It occurred to me this week that even though I’ve been using webmentions as comments for a really long time, I hadn’t actually been sending them mysel [...]

Just because you can doesn't mean you should: the <meter> element πŸ”—

I came across Sara Joy's (very cool) demo of CSS theming without classes today, and looking through the code spotted a couple of elements I hadn't com [...]

Remembering the early 00s teen website scene πŸ”— has a new theme! In search of a little project over the merrineum that didn’t require me to learn anything and therefore use my brain, [...]

A good podcast: Twenty Thousand Hertz πŸ”—

Everything you've ever wanted to know about sound, and things you didn't know you wanted to know but are glad you learned, such as: why all film trail [...]

2023: The year in lists πŸ”—

Last year's roundup post was good fun, so I decided I'd do another one this year! I feel like I blinked in April and suddenly it was December. Skip to [...]

Engineering progression for humans πŸ”—

As engineers it can be unclear where we’re heading, especially when we’re heads down writing code all the time. It can be hard to think even a few mon [...]

Beautiful musical chaos πŸ”—

When I tell people I’m in a choir, some of them imagine the same thing: churches, robes and choral music. Pious singing faces. (To be clear, I’ve done [...]

A good recipe: The best chocolate brownies πŸ”—

I've been making this "Bonfire Brownies" recipe since it was aired on UK children's TV institution Blue Peter in the early 00s, and I maintain it's st [...]

How to schedule posts in Eleventy πŸ”—

I scheduled this post, isn't that cute? I find I have very little energy to write blog posts during the week, but occasionally I sit down on the weeke [...]

Building post types and category RSS feeds in Eleventy πŸ”—

I mentioned recently that I'd built separate RSS feeds for different kinds of posts. Here's how I did it! I had to do a bit of fiddling to get this wo [...]

A good recipe: Smitten Kitchen's apple pie cookies πŸ”—

If I need to impress, or bribe people to like me, I make these cookies. A shortcrust pastry/biscuit dough hybrid case with appley-cinnamony goodness i [...]

Introducing separate category RSS feeds πŸ”—

Recently I've been inspired by folks like Michelle Barker and Amy Hupe doing National Blog Posting Month (NaBloPoMo!), and seeing folks writing down l [...]

"AI", and the trouble with inaccessible SaaS πŸ”—

I wasn't particularly enthused by the alpha release of Vercel's v0 UI generation tool this week. Provided with a prompt, it produces React code with T [...]

A good podcast: If Books Could Kill πŸ”—

Michael Hobbes and Peter Shamshiri take us through some of the biggest "self-help"/pseudoscience books from the last few decades and deservedly tear t [...]

Beyond Tellerrand: beyond amazing πŸ”—

I had the absolute privilege of opening Beyond Tellerrand DΓΌsseldorf recently. Truth be told, I had no idea what to expect, other than a great confere [...]

Painting the whole beetle: an adventure in learning to learn πŸ”—

I'm not very good at being bad at things. In fact, I have a track record of giving up on things if I'm not immediately good at it. (So I guess I'm goo [...]

Everything should have an API: adventures in trying to automate stuff πŸ”—

Inspired by Robb Knight I want to build my own /now page. As a teen I used to use PHPCurrently on my personal website to list what I was listening to, [...]

I miss Twitter πŸ”—

I'm still sad about Twitter. I think what has emerged for me since switching to Mastodon is an altogether healthier relationship with social media. I' [...]

2022: The year in lists πŸ”—

I don't usually do these end-of-year reflection posts, but at a time where I feel like I'm finally starting to hit flat land again after a year of cli [...]

Preparing for conferences πŸ”—

I've been speaking at conferences and meetups on and off for nearly five years now, and a few people have asked me what the process is for preparing a [...]

Building a website like it's 1999... in 2022 πŸ”—

Edit May 2023: the Bridgy integration with Twitter no longer works due to Twitter shutting off API access so some functionality won't be working any m [...]

Everything I googled in a week as a senior software engineer πŸ”—

Three years ago I wrote a post called Everything I googled in a week as a professional software engineer, and it clearly resonated with people, becaus [...]

When going back doesn't mean going backwards πŸ”—

Hey internet! Last time we spoke, I was in a bad place. Burnt out and off work. Well, in May I made the decision to quit my job at the startup after 7 [...]

Burnout, a cautionary tale (and a plea to take a break) πŸ”—

It's Easter and I'm off work til the end of the month. It was originally just going to be for a few days as I'd used up most of my holiday already, bu [...]

Start at the beginning: the importance of learning the basics πŸ”—

If you're an early-career developer, Twitter is overflowing with people tweeting great tips – and some absolute rubbish – about how to improve your sk [...]

The right tag for the job: why you should use semantic HTML πŸ”—

I've come across a lot of websites in my career (and in daily browsing) that are straight-up inaccessible. If you've ever worked on a project that is [...]

A typical day: pandemic edition πŸ”—

This is a series started by Colin Devroe. Some other lovely folks have written their own, including Sara Soueidan and Cassie Evans. This post would ha [...]

Give yourself a break: lessons from burnout πŸ”—

I started writing this post a few days ago, and was so exhausted I couldn't actually be bothered to finish it, which tells you a lot really. And if yo [...]

7 myths designers and developers believe about web accessibility πŸ”—

In an ideal world, being "good at accessibility" wouldn't make you stand out from the crowd. Companies wouldn't be hiring accessibility experts to hel [...]

Defending yourself against cross-site scripting attacks with Content-Security-Policy πŸ”—

I spent an entire day last week wrestling with a PDF-rendering library in React which was refusing to work in production. Locally it ran just fine, bu [...]

ffconf 2019: future friends beside the seaside πŸ”—

Now in its 11th year, ffconf is one of the biggest events in the conference calendar for web developers across the UK (and further afield). Yet someho [...]

Everything I googled in a week as a professional software engineer πŸ”—

Update 15/10/2022: I've written a new version of this! Everything I googled in a week as a senior software engineer In an attempt to dispel the idea t [...]

Questions to ask at an engineering interview πŸ”—

Tech job interviews are often different flavours of the same thing, regardless of where you apply. Interviewers are likely to ask you questions about [...]

Why software engineers should know their audience πŸ”—

When you're talking about what you're working on, do you ever stop to think about what you're saying and whether the person you're talking to can actu [...]