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articles on Jamie Tanna | Software Engineer


I'm on Fallthrough: An Exploration of APIs, Versioning, & HTTP 🔗

Earlier this year, I was invited to join the wonderful Fallthrough podcast to talk about APIs, which would be my first appearance on Fallthrough. As n [...]

Week Notes 25#09 🔗

Definitely felt a notable improvement in mood given the nicer weather And I feel like my Dad, quite liking having the windows open for fresh air 🫣 A [...]

Week Notes 25#08 🔗

A bit of a busy week: Was nice to chat with Tessa Kriesel on Monday, about one of her current clients, but also some more general chat Had a nice catc [...]

Creating single-purpose RSS feeds with Hugo 🔗

Tonight I've added a new couple of RSS feeds to my website - one for my /salary/ page and one for my /now page - for two pages that folks may want to [...]

Creating a test harness for validating Renovate Custom Datasource configuration 🔗

As I've written about before, I'm a big fan of Renovate. This last week, I've properly got stuck into Renovate's new Custom Datasources functionality, [...]

Week Notes 25#07 🔗

Appeared in A Semana Go and Architecture Nugget, and saw some traffic via Twitch, too Booked a week away for my birthday 🚀 Upgraded my GPU - went fro [...]

Product requirements for a "fund your dependency tree" service 🔗

While at State of Open Con, I had a great evening out with Andy Williams, and one of the topics we discussed at length was Open Source software fundin [...]

I'm on Fallthrough: Patching Problems with Persnickety Proxies Purveyed by Paternalistic Princes 🔗

Last week I was invited to join the wonderful Fallthrough podcast as a guest host, on a more time sensitive episode discussing the recent backdoor dis [...]

Week Notes 25#06 🔗

A slow start to the week, recovering from being flu-y, and a couple of podcasts: Monday off sick again, and feeling a lot better Did end up hacking u [...]

Go 1.24's `omitzero` is another one of the best additions to the ecosystem in years 🔗

After publishing Go 1.24's go tool is one of the best additions to the ecosystem in years a couple of weeks ago, a few commenters pointed me to the ot [...]

Week Notes 25#05 🔗

These Week Notes almost weren't going to get written tonight - I've been recovering from pretty bad flu, and have been intentionally off my laptop/etc [...]

Celebrating dependency-management-data's second birthday 🔗

I had originally intended to write this on Sunday, to coincide with the two year anniversary since the first commit to dependency-management-data (DMD [...]

Week Notes 25#04 🔗

Another week of more changes at work, a viral blog post, appearing on Fallthrough and finalising my talk for State of Open Con: Wrote Go 1.24's go too [...]

Go 1.24's `go tool` is one of the best additions to the ecosystem in years 🔗

For those that aren't aware, one of the big changes in February's upcoming Go 1.24 release is the new go tool command, and tool directive in the [...]

Week Notes 25#03 🔗

A somewhat mixed week: The expiry of the domain led to some widespread chaos across the Go community this week This week, I've had Do [...]

Getting access to rich-text data from the clipboard (on Linux) 🔗

I've recently noticed that i.e. on Slack, if I right click a channel and click "Copy name", and then paste that into a Slack message, I get the name o [...]

Why is zsh no longer storing history? 🔗

On my first day back in the office, I noticed something odd with my zsh setup, where new terminal sessions weren't having their history saved 🤔 Inter [...]

Week Notes 25#02 🔗

Batch Bunch on Monday was good 🚀 Was good to see folks, and there seemed to be some work done which was good it was a bit noisier than I'd expected [...]

Accessing private Go modules in a Docker container 🔗

If you're building Docker containers which reference a private Go module, you'll likely need to work out a way to pass in credentials, so you don't ha [...]

Week Notes 25#01 🔗

The first full week back after the holidays 🥱 Nice to meet up with Riz at Dice Cup to sus it out ahead of Batch Bunch (tomorrow) Had a nice roast tod [...]

Getting all comments from a given user on a GitHub Discussion 🔗

As noted previously, my team practices asynchronous, always-updating standups through GitHub Discussions. As it's performance management season, I'm l [...]

Week Notes 24#53 🔗

New Year's Eve, and a quiet couple of days back at work Wasn't able to get my perfect pizza early in the week so ended up making a spicy-and-sweet goc [...]

2024's Music In Review 🔗

In 2024, I listened to 82938.88 minutes (1382.31 hours, 57.6 days) of music on Spotify. Breakdown of listening over the months Each month, how much m [...]

What level of access do I have on that GitHub repository? 🔗

Earlier today, I was trying to work out if I had sufficient privileges to make some changes on a repository. Without access to the Settings panel as a [...]

2024's Site In Review 🔗

(I'm trying a slightly different order for these this year) Commentary In a similar vein to what I wrote last year: I noticed that there was a trend d [...]

Week Notes 24#52 🔗

Before Anna's family left on Monday, we did a big fry-up to keep people going, which was nice Went to pick up Morph from his holiday at the cattery an [...]

Week Notes 24#51 🔗

A four day week (with the last Shut it Down Day at Elastic) and hosting Christmas celebrations for Anna's family over the weekend: Definitely feeling [...]

Blocking 'Similar' and 'Because you like ...' suggestions on reddit with uBlock Origin 🔗

Since reddit attempted to destroy all goodwill in the community with their changes to the API, I've been using the mobile web view, rather than their [...]

Week Notes 24#50 🔗

A good week at work on a hackathon, towards providing a similar "Open Source Dependency Dashboard" similar to Microsoft folks mentioned on the CHAOSS [...]

You can now resolve remote presets when using Renovate's `local` platform in `renovate-graph` 🔗

In Utilising Renovate's local platform to make renovate-graph more efficient I mentioned that you can take advantage of Renovate's local platform to r [...]

Some mixed thoughts on The Changelog Podcast Universe 🔗

As I wrote about in You should listen to The Changelog I've been listening to The Changelog for ~8 years. I love the overarching podcast, Changelog In [...]

Week Notes 24#49 🔗

A nice catch-up with Mihaela Did some wiki'ing for Star Trek: Generations (the game), which was fun reminiscing My blog post about Cobra + OTel was on [...]

Creating `renovate-packagedata-diff` to diff Renovate package data dumps 🔗

Over the last couple of years, I've been working with Renovate's package data dumps, as part of renovate-graph and work towards dependency-management- [...]

Some useful SQL(ite) tips I've learned 🔗

I've recently spent some time working towards presenting some of the findings from dependency-management-data at work, which has required writing some [...]

Week Notes 24#48 🔗

A very busy week at work, getting back into Ring Fit and getting on top of my office, ahead of guests staying over the next few weeks I've managed to [...]

I'm a recipient of the 2024 October Engineering Monthly Award Recognition at Elastic 🔗

I was chuffed today to hear that I was one of the winners of October's round of the Engineering Monthly Award Recognition programme at Elastic 🚀 This [...]

Gotcha: `PersistentPostRunE` only runs on successful commands in Cobra 🔗

In my recent post Lessons learned adding OpenTelemetry to a (Cobra) command-line Go tool, I wrote about how you can wire in OpenTelemetry to a command [...]

Week Notes 24#47 🔗

A busy week in all senses: It's been hecking cold this week - we had some significant snow on Monday night that impacted Anna's work trip to Birmingha [...]

Creating a Neovim plugin for my standup updates 🔗

As I noted earlier today, I love the way my team does standups in an asynchronous, and always-updating manner. As I've started to keep a single commen [...]

The joy of an asynchronous, always updating standup 🔗

There are several things I really love about working in my team at Elastic, but one of the things I really enjoy is how we run our standups in my team [...]

Creating a private mirror of the Renovate docs 🔗

If you're self-hosting Renovate, you're generally going to be out-of-date compared to the upstream project's releases. This isn't just because it take [...]

Week Notes 24#46 🔗

A busy week of on-call (and some high priority work to support on Thursday) With Changelog doing a merch sale, I ended up getting some new swag, espec [...]

Lessons learned adding OpenTelemetry to a (Cobra) command-line Go tool 🔗

In an effort to better understand + instrument tools I work on (both in and out of work) I've recently been introducing OpenTelemetry support to Depen [...]

Week Notes 24#45 🔗

A busy week at work with post-incident follow-ups and an incredible downer in the US Elections. Got a haircut ahead of the few big meetings this week [...]

Summarising the `skipReason`s for Renovate data exports 🔗

When working with package data dumps from Renovate - regardless of the source - it can be interesting to see which packages haven't found updates. Thi [...]

Week Notes 24#44 🔗

A spicy week at work (for many reasons) and overworking: Couldn't sleep very well on Monday night, as on Tuesday I had a couple of big things at work [...]

How to diff two datetimes 🔗

Today I've been looking at how to calculate the number of seconds/minutes/hours between two datetimes. As this is both for me, and for other humans to [...]

Week Notes 24#43 🔗

Circles - Yoe Mase was been very much on repeat, such as 🔥 new release Realised the heated floor in the loft room has been on - accidentally - for a [...]

Week Notes 24#42 🔗

A busy week at work An interesting OpenUK meetup this week around whether Open Source can be a business Announced our next OpenUK meetup, all about th [...]

Why has Firefox 133 lost all my tabs? 🔗

Over the last week, I've upgraded my various (Arch btw) Linux machines' versions of Firefox Nightly to their latest - largely due to the announced zer [...]

Creating a /slashes page 🔗

Last week I found out that Robb Knight has a site called called Slash Pages, which details common top-level URLs that are found at /<name>. I'd found [...]

Week Notes 24#41 🔗

For some GitHub insights for work, I had it in my head to re-investigate SteamPipe, but as I started working with it I remembered that unfortunately i [...]

OggCamp 2024 🔗

As I write this post, I'm sitting on the train home from OggCamp 2024. It's been a good weekend - I've met some nice people, caught up with folks I've [...]

How I manage my dotfiles 🔗

Over the last month or so, there have been a couple of posts around how to manage local configuration (aka "dotfiles") - Better Dotfiles (discussion o [...]

Week Notes 24#40 🔗

A busy-ish week back at work again Phaeleh's new album dropped, although I didn't realise it was an EP, not a full album. Still good though! Spent Wed [...]

Don't do Agile, be agile 🔗

Over the last ~8 years in my career, I've worked on teams who do Agile, and who are actually agile. Although there has been some overlap, I've found t [...]

Converting a Reveal.js slide deck to PDF 🔗

Something I have to do every so often is convert one of my talks from their web form in Reveal.js to a PDF. Ahead of speaking at DTX London tomorrow, [...]

Getting symlinks to work with a `git clone` on Mac 🔗

Yesterday I was working with one of my colleagues, who had an issue in one of their Git repos where a symbolic link (symlink) wasn't resolving correct [...]

Using a separate Go module for your `tools.go` 🔗

In Managing your Go tool versions with go.mod and a tools.go, I mentioned how you can use a tools.go to track any dependencies your project needs for [...]

Week Notes 24#39 🔗

A lovely, wholesome, few days in Wells-next-the-Sea: We stayed at the very nice A Room in the Park It was a very good week weather wise, and we didn't [...]

Week Notes 24#38 🔗

A busy week ahead of a week off: A very busy on-call week, as well as trying to close things off before holiday I ended up getting my first page (at [...]

I'm on API Evangelist Conversation 🔗

This afternoon, I had a great conversation with Kin Lane, aka the API Evangelist, about API Versioning on the API Evangelist Conversation podcast. I'v [...]

Utilising Renovate's `local` platform to test more easily 🔗

Last year I wrote about how you can use Renovate's local platform to make renovate-graph more efficient, which has been very useful for work I've been [...]

Don't pretty print your API's JSON response body 🔗

We generally build APIs for automated integrations, not for humans to read them. Although you as a human will look at the raw API request/response for [...]

Week Notes 24#37 🔗

A fairly busy week, and Stanley came to stay for the weekend: Very cool to see Jane Wickline joining the SNL cast - very deserved! The Big TDM game mo [...]

Nested teams in GitHub don't give you the control you think they do 🔗

GitHub has the concept of nested teams to make it possible to say manage hierarchical access in your organisation. This can be really useful for indic [...]

Forcing `pacman` to perform post-upgrade tasks if it's failed part way through 🔗

You know it's not a great start to your week when, after a long weekend, you set your work laptop running through updates and it crashes part-way thro [...]

Week Notes 24#36 🔗

A short week ahead of Cat's wedding 🥰 Cookie didn't make it to daycare on Monday as she was poorly, but was luckily better by the end of the week Got [...]

How to use Dependency Management Data to discover which dependencies are participating in Hacktoberfest 🔗

As I've mentioned before, the fact that it's September means that it's almost October, and October primarily means one thing for me: Hacktoberfest 🎃� [...]

Week Notes 24#35 🔗

A four day week that felt like a five day week 🫣 Had a nice couple of hours in town on Bank Holiday Monday, and doing a bit of shopping Went for lun [...]

You're not mature enough to release your first version as v1 🔗

Last night I noticed that it's not possible to use semantic-release to publish 0.x.y releases (aka "initial development versions") of packages. What s [...]

Week Notes 24#34 🔗

Heading home from Dave and Faye's on Monday, a day off on Tuesday, and then a three-day week leading onto a Bank Holiday weekend: Had a fairly good jo [...]

Week Notes 24#33 🔗

A busy week with a few days of work, GopherCon UK, and then a (long) weekend up North with Anna's family: Cookie was rather worried by the thunderstor [...]

GopherCon UK 2024 🔗

It was my first GopherCon, and I had a great time. There were some great talks, great people, great food, some great swag and a very perfectly chosen [...]

Gotcha: SXHKD doesn't like comments (in bindings) 🔗

I've written before about my usage of the BSPWM tiling window manager, which goes hand in hand with Simple X HotKey Daemon (SXHKD). I noticed earlier [...]

How to get the next window created set to floating in BSPWM 🔗

I've written before about my usage of the BSPWM tiling window manager. One thing I've recently been looking at doing setting up a "scratch pad" style [...]

Creating a /typography page 🔗

As you may have noticed - unless you're an RSS-only reader, in which case, you may want to click through to see this page - I recently revamped my sit [...]

Week Notes 24#32 🔗

Finalised my site's new CSS, which I'm pretty happy with so far My episode of Go Time came out Was a good listen, and hope others enjoy it - so far i [...]

I'm on Go Time! 🔗

I'm very excited to announce I'm on my first episode of the ever awesome Go Time podcast, on today's episode, OpenAPI + API Design. As I mentioned in [...]

New CSS, Who Dis? (2024 edition) 🔗

It's been just over four years since my last significant site redesign, and today I'm releasing a new site update. This isn't as significant an update [...]

Why isn't Hugo regenerating my SCSS files? 🔗

Over the last couple of days I've been - after a long hiatus - making some tweaks to my Hugo site's theme. I've hit an issue on both my laptop and (ne [...]

Week Notes 24#31 🔗

A warm week An expensive week: Bought a new fan for my office - the Dyson tower fan I won at Capital One in ~2018 has been feeling lacking in compari [...]

Why can't I use a comma with `gcloud`? 🔗

I've been trying to call a Google Cloud Run Job with the following arguments: [[{"platform":"...","organisation":"...","repo":"..."}]] I've done this [...]

Using Spotless to auto-format Gradle Verification Metadata 🔗

I've previously written about Spotless being great. I've recently started working with some codebases that use Gradle Dependency Verification which pr [...]

Common issues faced with `exec`ing an executable on Linux 🔗

There are a number of somewhat esoteric errors you can hit when trying to execute another binary, and as I hit one today that took a bit of thinking, [...]

Week Notes 24#30 🔗

Still a bit sleepy on Monday from my longest drive so far A busy week working towards the Renovate rollout in the next week and a bit, writing lots of [...]

You can now parse repo-level Renovate configuration with `renovate-graph` 🔗

Almost 2 years ago (!) I built renovate-graph, a tool to extract the dependency trees for a given repository, which under the hood uses Renovate. I've [...]

Dependency Management Data's Open Policy Agent support is now a whole lot more efficient 🔗

Over the last week - pretty much since working on how you can use Open Policy Agent and Dependency Management Data to query data for in [...]

Week Notes 24#29 🔗

Related to a comment on Lobsters about Git history, I posted my own blog post, which then led to a number of sites (including some Telegram groups and [...]

Migrating Renovate bots, while keeping existing PRs updated 🔗

In the process of migrating from the Mend-hosted SAAS platform to a Self-Hosted deployment of Mend Renovate Community Edition, we've noticed that PRs [...]

Manually triggering a Buildkite pipeline for a fork 🔗

If you're building on Buildkite, sometimes you may encounter a time where you're contributing from a fork, but CI isn't running (often by design). So [...]

Week Notes 24#28 🔗

Returning to work to ~220 emails, and a 99+ notification badge on Slack 😅 Was a busy Monday prepping for a meeting later that day, and catching up o [...]

Dependency Management Data's now on Mastodon! 🔗

With thanks to, I've now got a Mastodon account for dependency-management-data! I'm still planning on having most of the interesting blog [...]

Dynamically querying data for internal packages with Open Policy Agent and Dependency Management Data 🔗

When working with dependency-management-data, one of the great things it can do is provide insight to how close/far past the end-of-life date of upstr [...]

89 things I know about Git commits 🔗

This is an article that's been swimming around in my head for ~5 weeks now, and may become a "living post" that I keep updated over time. In no partic [...]

Dependency Management Data is now a lot easier to work with when using Software Bill of Materials 🔗

On Sunday night I released v0.100.0 of dependency-management-data, a huge release in a few ways. First of all, it is in name a very large numerical re [...]

Week Notes 24#27 🔗

A lovely and very restorative week off for Anna's birthday We didn't get as much done around the house as we'd hoped, but we ended up really switching [...]

One THOUSAND blog posts 🔗

This is my one thousandth blog post. That is absolutely wild. I remember reading Lorna Mitchell's post about hitting 1000 blog posts a few years back, [...]

Reader survey: Who reads my blog? 🔗

I think it's been sufficiently long since Terence wrote his blog post that I can not-so-shamelessly steal the idea. (Aside: I was originally going to [...]

Week Notes 24#26 🔗

A very busy week of on-call and trying to deliver the first key Renovate milestone at work, ahead of next week off for Anna's birthday: Probably our b [...]