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Cassey Lottman


Why are most Web Accessibility Checkers Browser Extensions or Bookmarklets? πŸ”—

An answer to a question someone asked recently in a walled-garden, unwalled for the open web. Accessibility testing tools tend to be browser extension [...]

Dev Snippets & Keyboard Shortcuts πŸ”—

See also: my cheat sheet/personal FAQ when working with static site generators. Here are some shortcuts or short snippets I often find myself searchin [...]

Places I Might Shop Online for Suits πŸ”—

Sometimes people with a body type similar to mine want to wear a suit to some fancy event, and don't know where to shop. They may be looking for a mor [...]

Board Games for Toddlers πŸ”—

Do you love board games, and can't wait to play with your kid? You may be happy to learn you can start playing board games before you might think! No [...]

Mid April 2024: Some Joys πŸ”—

It's been a pretty nice last few weeks for me, all things considered. Here are some things recently that have brought me joy. # Music I got to see Spe [...]

Frontmatter Templates for New Blog Posts πŸ”—

Updated 3-26-2024: Added timestamp to date to make my RSS feed better I have been thinking for a long time that it would be nice to have a script that [...]

Notes on: 'A Well-Contained Life' πŸ”—

I came across this essay in the Paris Review titled "A Well-Contained Life". I appreciated the reflection it offered on how sometimes the containers w [...]

C&C Processing Parade Floats πŸ”—

figure { margin-bottom: 30px; } figcaption { max-width: unset; } For most of my childhood, my parents owned a small meat locker in my hometow [...]

Crafty Thrift Stores & More in the Kansas City Metro πŸ”—

While we were in Kansas City recently primarily to visit Great Wolf Lodge (read my review!), we did some shopping. We hit some of our usual spots: IKE [...]

Visiting Great Wolf Lodge with a 2 Year Old πŸ”—

This week my family stayed at Great Wolf Lodge in Kansas City for 1 night. It's a hotel that has a variety of kid activities like laser tag and some s [...]

Taking an old sewing machine in for repair πŸ”—

I have been wanting to (re)learn to sew, and specifically to sew my own clothing, which I have never done before. I have a machine that I claimed from [...]

Resources To Start a Blog πŸ”—

# Theory Everyone Should Blog, and That Includes You, a manifesto. I recently read a post (sorry, have already lost the link) that emphasized that you [...]

My Favorite Mugs πŸ”—

These are my old reliables. I believe they are both from Wal-Mart, and I got at least the first one for my college dorm. They are what I reach for mos [...]

Queer Book Recommendations πŸ”—

A short(ish) list of queer books I've read & enjoyed over the last couple years. None of these are affiliate links. (read: I'm not making money on thi [...]

Resources for the Fun Web πŸ”—

Let's make 2023 the Year of the Blog (again). Not sure where to get started? Here are some links you might find useful, to either get started building [...]

Really Big Bike Trailers πŸ”—

I can haul a lot of stuff on my cargo bikes (one front bucket style, one midtail; both electric), but I'm always interested in ways to haul even more [...]

Life Hack: Add a new list in Paprika for non-grocery stores πŸ”—

In my household, we use the app Paprika 3 (available on Android or iOS) for managing grocery lists & meal planning. It is vastly superior to our old m [...]

Adding Decap CMS to 11ty πŸ”—

I've been wanting a way to add posts in markdown to my 11ty site from my Android phone, without using a 3rd party CMS. I'm going to try out Decap CMS [...]

"The Overspent American" by Juliet Schor πŸ”—

Today I was introduced to the work of Juliet Schor, whose book The Overspent American was published in 1997. Schor is an American economist and sociol [...]

That time I got stuck holding a stranger's baby in my own living room πŸ”—

Gather round, folks, for a good old Midwestern snow storm story. The lesson here is perhaps "be careful being a good neighbor." Which is maybe not the [...]

Cozy Reading Recs from the Women in Tech chat πŸ”—

Light & cozy reading suggestions are a frequent request in the Women in Tech slack I'm in. Here are a few that have come up a lot, so we can link this [...]

Ruby on Rails Model Association Reminders πŸ”—

# belongs_to gets the database column For a one-to-one or one-to-many relationship, the side with the belongs_to is the one where the database column [...]

Abundance πŸ”—

Check out all the posts tagged 'abundance' on my site. A word that has felt particularly resonant for me lately is "abundance", and particularly, the [...]

Desiring the Product that will Solve a Situation Perfectly πŸ”—

I am trying to notice more when I have the desire to buy stuff, and ask more questions about why I want to do that. Do I really need to buy the thing? [...]

Using Pronto for CI on a Rails project without cluttery comments πŸ”—

On many Ruby on Rails projects I've worked on, Pronto is in use to run linting rules as part of CI on every pull request. Pronto was chosen because li [...]

2023 in Software Tools πŸ”—

I have another post on New Year's Reflections more broadly, but it was getting a bit long so I wanted to move the software & tools section out. Here i [...]

Reflections on 2023 πŸ”—

# Broad Strokes We moved to a new house in Lincoln early this year. We also spent a lot of the year planning to move away from this house, and out of [...]

Transferring my Baldur's Gate 3 Save from Windows to Steam Deck πŸ”—

Notes to self on the process I followed, to transfer a save file I started on my wife's Windows PC for Baldur's Gate 3, to my newly purchased Steam De [...]

My 'If I Die' Doc πŸ”—

I think it's really important to be prepared for the unexpected. One of those unexpected outcomes might be that I could die much earlier than I hope t [...]

Language Learning Resources I Like πŸ”—

I still stand by all the posts in my 2018 French resources post, but there are a few other things I've used since then for languages including French, [...]

So You Want To Move to Canada πŸ”—

Have you given serious thought to moving from the US to Canada? Are you not quite sure where to start exploring your options for immigrating to Canada [...]

Cassey's Holiday Gift Guide πŸ”—

Despite my best efforts to embrace a less consumerist lifestyle (a constant work in progress).. I have a deep love for holiday gift guides and product [...]

Board Game Recommendations for Casual Board Gamers πŸ”—

Recently someone in a Discord I'm in asked for recommendations on upgrading from the classic board games (Life, Uno, Sorry, etc) to new games that mig [...]

Using Obsidian for Notes & Research Projects πŸ”—

There are a lot of different tools out there that you can use to write notes. There are apps that are very basic, like Google Keep, and apps that are [...]

Notes on Essentialism πŸ”—

I just finished reading the book Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less, by Greg McKeown. The core idea of the book is to do less, but better. [...]

Rails controller params can be accessed by string or symbol (with indifferent access!) πŸ”—

The other day I was writing a Rails controller test on a controller that was using a hash of the parameters. My controller tests were failing when the [...]

Transgender History: transgender & reproductive liberation πŸ”—

This originally appeared as a series of tweets but I want it to live on my website instead so here it is. Susan Stryker writes in Transgender History [...]

Fetching & caching data from Airtable in my 11ty site πŸ”—

I've been seeing a lot of people blog about setting up a now page on their website. Kind of like an about page, a now page is a page on a personal web [...]

Notes on Your Money or Your Life πŸ”—

I've seen people in online personal finance spaces mention the book "Your Money or Your Life" quite positively, but didn't really know what to expect [...]

Lincoln Housing Justice History πŸ”—

This originally appeared as a series of tweets but I want it to live on my website instead so here it is. The issue of a lack of affordable housing in [...]

CSV.generate behavior change in Ruby 3 vs Ruby 2.7 πŸ”—

Today I was working on some code that generated some CSV reports like this: def self.my_cool_report(options = {}) CSV.generate(options) do |csv| [...]

Manual change tracking in Ruby on Rails πŸ”—

This week I was working on a project where the users need to see the history of changes to a particular model. We had been using the Papertrail gem fo [...]

Here for Community πŸ”—

My friend E keeps a truck she calls the solidarity truck. The first solidarity truck was a hand-me-down from another friend who made it available for [...]

Items I loved for my new baby πŸ”—

these burp cloths are great, get a ton. Skip Hop Baby Activity Center table is life, once baby has some head and neck control. We also used a baby swi [...]

Book Recs for a Parent-to-Be πŸ”—

I read a lot of books while pregnant and in my first year of parenting, about pregnancy, giving birth, and parenting. Here are some of the ones I like [...]

2022 in Books πŸ”—

.bookGrid { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; justify-content: space-around; } .bookGrid > div { max-width: 31%; [...]

2022 in Review πŸ”—

2022 started with a lot of impatience and discomfort for me. I was incredibly pregnant, and my baby, due in mid-January, came late. Having a newborn w [...]

Simple Guide to Cricut Models (with no ads) πŸ”—

For most people interested in getting started with Cricut, I recommend the Cricut Explore Air 2. Personally I got the Maker because I thought I would [...]

My Internet πŸ”—

Inspired by the Embedded newsletter's "My Internet" series, I'm gonna tell you a bit about what I do when I'm online. Though I wrote this post and wen [...]

Does that thing have a battery on it? a zine about ebikes πŸ”—

I made a zine about e-bikes. Here it is. You can download a PDF of this zine and fold it. Print as many as you want & do what you want with them, but [...]

Adding stack traces to versions stored by the Papertrail Ruby gem πŸ”—

I've been working on a tricky bug for a client at Unabridged Software where data records are getting created over and over somewhere in the code, and [...]

Essay on My Baby πŸ”—

I'm sitting at Cultiva with my baby and I still can't get over the fact of it: my, that she's really mine, and baby, that she's real and sentient and [...]

Resources for a native plant meadow yarden πŸ”—

Several years ago we converted the lawn in front of my house to a native plant meadow-style garden. My spouse and I have learned so much along the way [...]

Choose Community: a zine πŸ”—

I made a zine on the importance of community. Here it is. You can download a PDF of this zine and fold it. Print as many as you want & do what you wan [...]

Host your own community event: a zine πŸ”—

I made a zine on how to host your own community event. Here it is. You can download a PDF of this zine and fold it. Print as many as you want & do wha [...]

Reflections on America in Decline πŸ”—

I kiss my baby's bald spot after another mass shooting at an elementary school and wonder if anything about the world will be better in 6 years when s [...]

Debugging strategies using binding.pry in Rails πŸ”—

Something I had to get used to when switching to primarily Ruby on Rails development while working at Unabridged is debugging using binding.pry instea [...]

Verbose Active Record query logs for Rails πŸ”—

Today I was testing some code in the Rails console and kept seeing the same database call over and over, but I couldn't figure out where it was coming [...]

Making Rails recognize code in subfolders of default folders πŸ”—

Today I was making some improvements to a client's Rails codebase. This client has many services in the services/ folder of the Rails application, and [...]

Getting all the records of a model created today in Rails πŸ”—

My favorite thing I've learned recently is something I learned when needing to remove a bunch of records that had just been created in a Rails app. If [...]

Using Sanity CMS to host an image gallery for an existing 11ty site πŸ”—

I've seen a few tutorials now on using Sanity CMS with Eleventy, but they all assume I want to use the Sanity/Eleventy starter project, not an Elevent [...]

2021 in Books πŸ”—

.bookGrid { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; justify-content: space-around; } .bookGrid > div { max-width: 31%; [...]

Just Enough JavaScript for Eleventy πŸ”—

Sometimes I hear from people who'd like to try out the well-loved and hip static site generator Eleventy, but their main programming language expertis [...]

Dynamically choosing a data file to use in Eleventy templates πŸ”—

Today in the Eleventy Discord, someone came in with a tricky problem. They wanted to set an environment variable to the name of a data file, and then [...]

Converting a simple HTML site to use Eleventy πŸ”—

So, you have a site that currently consists of one or more HTML files, and maybe some images. Your site is growing, and you're starting to think that [...]

What's this tilde arrow thing in my Gemfile? πŸ”—

Today I learned two new concept-phrases: "pessimistic versioning" and "twiddle-wakka" (yes really). I learned them via a PR review comment that sent m [...]

Deep dive into img attributes πŸ”—

For a 6-week "Professional Learning Community" initiative at work, I'm in a group focused on learning more about Eleventy, especially using Eleventy f [...]

Using Nunjucks shortcodes in Markdown files in Eleventy πŸ”—

Today I started taking a look at Eleventy Image, a powerful plugin for Eleventy that generates images in optimal sizes and formats for the web. There [...]

Getting your bearings in an existing Eleventy project πŸ”—

There are some great tutorials out there on building your own Eleventy site from scratch, but what if you are planning to make some contributions to a [...]

npx eleventy !== npx @11ty/eleventy πŸ”—

The other day when I went to add a post to my TIL blog, I got a scary error message. The site runs using the static site generator Eleventy, but I got [...]

The Ruby splat operator can destructure arrays πŸ”—

Today I learned about the splat operator in ruby, aka the * or asterisk operator. I came across some code like this in the readme for Motion: def hand [...]

Polymer Clay and Delayed Gratification πŸ”—

.img-grid { line-height: 0; -webkit-column-count: 2; -webkit-column-gap: 0px; -moz-column-count: 2; -moz-column-gap: 0px; colu [...]

2020 In Lists πŸ”—

.post-content h2 { text-align: center } # The music that kept me going The Mountain Goats according to Spotify this is what I played the absolut [...]

2020 In Review πŸ”—

You have probably already observed, or heard someone else observe, that time seemed to flow in a new pattern this year. It's become common for strange [...]

I'm reading: 'A (Mostly) Complete Guide to React Rendering Behavior' πŸ”—

This piece by Redux maintainer Mark Erikson called "Blogged Answers: A (Mostly) Complete Guide to React Rendering Behavior" is long, and I've only rea [...]

How to make your Javascript class instance have all the properties of some other object πŸ”—

# tl;dr: class MySpecialClass { constructor(objectFromServer) { Object.assign(this, objectFromServer); } } # more details Inspired by [...]

Using the beforeBuild hook to render Sass in Eleventy πŸ”—

Dennis Hagemeier shared a super helpful post on how to compile Sass with Eleventy directly, without needing to rely on a build helper tool like Grunt [...]

Continuous Integration: another definition πŸ”—

I'm reading "Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code" and it mentions a definition of continuous integration I'm not familiar with. In extr [...]

Settings I want on a new machine πŸ”—

On a new machine, I want to turn off the pager for git commands. It'd be nice if this was saved in some sort of dotfile that I maintained - I used to [...]

How to open the current directory in finder from terminal on a mac πŸ”—

Sometimes I'm doing stuff in the terminal and realize whatever I need to do next would be easier in Finder - maybe dragging around a selection of file [...]

How to make asdf recognize globally installed npm modules πŸ”—

After installing a global module with npm (npm install -g my-cool-module), when using asdf, you might then get command not found: my-cool-module when [...]

How can I see my new blog post rendered before I deploy, if I don't have my whole dev environment? πŸ”—

Today I learned a new way to write today I learned posts! I publish this site using Netlify, and it's built with Eleventy and hosted on github. Someti [...]

Asdf is a version manager promising to replace all the version managers πŸ”—

Asdf is a tool for managing versions. It lets you manage versions for a bunch of different things, with just one version manager. (Instead of installi [...]

What is that percent sign doing in my `cat` output? πŸ”—

On my mac, I did a quick cat of a file in the terminal, and saw an extra % at the end of the text. I turned on 'show whitespace' in VS Code and opened [...]

Adjusting site colors for better contrast πŸ”—

I picked my own color palette for the redesign of, and this site called was helpful in resolving a pesky contrast issue [...]

Firefox Container Gotchas πŸ”—

My new boss told me about Firefox Multi-Account Containers which I had heard of a while ago, but have never used. I started using them yesterday, and [...]

Starting to pick up Ruby & Rails πŸ”—

I started a new job this week, at a consulting agency that works in Ruby on Rails a lot. I used Rails at a summer internship in college, but haven't r [...]

Firefox Responsive Design Mode and Hover Events πŸ”—

I need to preface this with: until recently, even though I used Firefox for browsing, I typically used Chrome and Chrome's Developer Tools for web dev [...]

Setting a layout for every page generated from a particular folder in Eleventy πŸ”—

As I was working on making my Today I Learned posts first-party members of this very site (they used to live in a separate site on Glitch), I moved ov [...]

Why do some tweets not respect my minimum font size? πŸ”—

Lately twitter has been displaying short tweet replies/quote tweets on mac/firefox in a way that doesn’t respect my minimum font sizes - they're too s [...]

Visiting Bottomline Corp in Spiritfarer πŸ”—

This entire post is a spoiler for the Bottomline Corp quest in Spiritfarer I'm playing Spiritfarer, and I got a cryptic note about a strike from worke [...]

Watching 'What the heck is the event loop, anyways?' πŸ”—

I watched "What the heck is the event loop, anyways?" by Philip Roberts. I really appreciated the way the material was presented and it really helped [...]

Sharing Styles in Styled Components πŸ”—

On Friday, I was working on converting a very complex tooltip component in React from CSS Modules using Stylus to styled-components. Some of the style [...]

Good Advice for a Pandemic πŸ”—

As I have mentioned before, I read a lot of advice columns. Here are a few I've read that are especially useful right now. # Feelings "How Not to Tank [...]

Make your twitter cards look nicer πŸ”—

Today I remembered that I made a change recently to how Twitter cards are rendered when I share a link on, but did not make the same tweak [...]

Using <aside> πŸ”—

This isn't a "Today I learned" so much as "today I remembered that more people should know this". In accessibility testing I’ve done lately on various [...]

Chrome has its own Task Manager πŸ”—

Today I remembered Chrome has its own task manager, which is another tool to help decide why my laptop fans are on, and if any sites that I am respons [...]

Delete all local branches that have been deleted from a remote πŸ”—

You can run git remote prune origin and delete all the remote-tracking branches from your local machine that have been deleted on the origin. Handy! S [...]

Reading the News in This Particular Moment in History πŸ”—

I have this strange feeling of being saturated in news, from all over the world, while at the same time, feeling like I really don't know what's going [...]

Pandemic Poetry πŸ”—

A worldwide coronavirus pandemic is going on. A few poems have really resonated with people around me during this time. Here they are: "Pandemic" by L [...]

Advice Columns for the Apocalypse πŸ”—

It's hard to think of anything that I have loved as long or as consistently as I have loved advice columns. My earliest memories of reading are of lay [...]

Pandemic Memes πŸ”—

.flex-center.column blockquote { max-width: 500px; } window.twttr = (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0], [...]

Making a tweet roundup πŸ”—

I wanted to make a post with a bunch of tweets on it. I've mostly embedded a single tweet at a time before, so this is new territory. Here's what I di [...]

Opening a new window from a Firefox Add-On πŸ”—

Last year, I made my first couple browser extensions! Both were built to solve immediate needs I have: one to go between the various representations o [...]

Referencing an .env value in an NPM script πŸ”—

Today I wanted to reference a value from .env in an NPM script, so I learned how! I wanted a script I could run from the editor console of cassey-til. [...]

Testing Modern React with Enzyme Shallow πŸ”—

# A Litany of Woes # tl;dr: I learned recently that the only way to use Enzyme to test a React component that relies on a useContext hook appears to b [...]

Status Update: a poem πŸ”—

I have, as the prophets say, "What's on your mind?" the flashing cursor beckons. I feel the need to explain to all these people I have what marketers [...]

Funeral Sandwiches: a poem πŸ”—

In the community centers and church halls of small town Nebraska, Great salads, in all their Midwestern glory! Mayo, macaroni, jello, and corn. All di [...]

Deep-diving the CSS Cascade πŸ”—

I knew that a major feature of CSS is the "C", or cascade. I know some stuff about how the cascade works - mostly that it involves specificity, and th [...]

Flash of Invisible Text πŸ”—

In doing some cursory performance auditing on the site I work on, I came across a recommendation to ensure text remains visible during webfont load on [...]

2019: A year of many apps πŸ”—

I coded quite a bit this year - I'm a full-time software developer, after all. I didn't just code for work, though - this year, like last year, I bran [...]

My 2019 In Review πŸ”—

It is very cliche to say that this year, no matter what year it was, was a big year, but... 2019 was a big year for me! I appeared on the ballot in a [...]

Elements with overflow: scroll become focusable πŸ”—

I was working on re-building a custom select list component to make it more keyboard-friendly when I encountered a strange bug: the <section> element [...]

CSS properties that create an implicit stacking context πŸ”—

I had a bug where a background image was being set on a container with position: absolute. One of the children wasn't visible on the page, but it appe [...]

Accessibility Insights runs a subset of rules from Axe πŸ”—

My a11y learning for the week, after playing with Axe a bit over the last few weeks, is that the Accessibility Insights extension only runs a subset o [...]

October 23 Roundup πŸ”—

This is a newsletter I sent out via TinyLetter. View the complete archive. Greetings, readers! Thanks for being patient through my brief hia [...]

Mocking a React Component with Sinon πŸ”—

I'm working on writing component tests for React at work. Mocking several layers of Context + Redux + React-Router has been a difficult chore! I could [...]

Teaching Accessibility πŸ”—

# Reflection from me This talk reminded me a lot of a keynote I saw at Strange Loop this year by Felienne Hermans on "How to Teach Programming (and ot [...]

Learning about styled components πŸ”—

There's a new library of React components that are shared across the organization at my job, and it uses Styled Components which I don't know much abo [...]

Learnings from Strange Loop πŸ”—

I attended a conference called Strange Loop in St. Louis last week. I don't have notes or thought on every talk I attended, but here were a few I enjo [...]

I read: "Meet Border-box, my best friend." πŸ”—

Today I read a short article on a subject I knew at one point, but feels fresh to remember. The article was Meet border-box, my best friend. It descri [...]

September 3 Roundup πŸ”—

This is a newsletter I sent out via TinyLetter. View the complete archive. Lots of local news here for you today, plus some insight into why [...]

Assorted Readings πŸ”—

CSS Algorithms - on a process for writing CSS like you were solving an algorithmic puzzle CSS Inheritance, Cascade, and Global Scope - use the cascade [...]

Voiceover with Safari & List Semantics πŸ”—

I learned that when list-style: none is used, Safari does not expose the semantics of a list to assistive technology, meaning Voiceover won't announce [...]

Notes from "Rethinking Color and Contrast" πŸ”—

I watched "Rethinking Color and Contrast", a talk by Jared Smith at Inclusive Design 24 in 2017. Some takeaways: True colorblindness is very rare; col [...]

Today I Discovered React Axe πŸ”—

I just learned about react-axe, which runs while you’re developing and highlights the kinds of errors in the rendered DOM that browser extensions like [...]

Designing Against Domestic Violence πŸ”—

I'm watching: "Designing Against Domestic Violence" by Eva PenzeyMoog. These are notes from her talk. 95% of domestic violence is perpetrated by males [...]

Notes & Tweets from NE JS Conf πŸ”—

Most of the tweets embedded in this article are threads; click them if you want more of my in-the-moment thoughts. # Fredd K Schott on Pika Package Ma [...]

Does <details> work with Assistive Technology? πŸ”—

A coworker & I were talking about the <details> element and I had a hard time finding up to date info on how well supported it is by assistive technol [...]

Therapeutic Refactoring by Katrina Owen πŸ”—

I'm watching Therapeutic Refactoring by Katrina Owen. The talk starts by giving an example of a monster of a method that one came across. A very large [...]

July 27 Roundup πŸ”—

Welcome, readers! This week, learn about new research in housing & bicycle safety, the permit process for a new accessory dwelling unit, a transit adv [...]

My first look at Bulma for CSS πŸ”—

I wanted a simple UI library for making a simple page with a simple form prettier. So I tried out Bulma! My take is that in my quick usage/perusal of [...]

July 19 Newsletter πŸ”—

Hello, readers! This week is all about the local stuff, including notes on an interview with the executive director of the Lincoln Housing Authority, [...]

"From Puzzles to Products" by Jessica Kerr πŸ”—

I'm watching "From Puzzles to Products" by Jessica Kerr, a talk from Velocity Conf 2019, along with some coworkers. Here are my notes. At the beginnin [...]

The effects of Neuro and Muscular Disabilities with Dr. Neil Matthiessen πŸ”—

Originally tweeted. Provided here for posterity! Time for the Nebraska Digitial Accessibility Meetup! Tonight we're hearing from Neil Matthiessen, on [...]

Readings on Accessibility πŸ”—

I've read a lot about web accessibility today. Here are some of the things I've learned. # Screenreader-aware design tools A colleague shared Screenre [...]

I read (some of) NIFA's '2019 Profile of Nebraska'. Here's what I learned. πŸ”—

A newsletter I sent via TinyLetter. Data Insights from NIFA's 2019 Profile of Nebraska I went through the Nebraska Invest Finance Authority's [...]

Disruptive Design: Harmful Patterns and Bad Practice πŸ”—

I'm watching Disruptive Design: Harmful Patterns and Bad Practice by Laura Kalbag. Tech folks like to use jargon and euphemism like "disruption" and " [...]

Thoughts on The Commons LNK and 'Transformations' πŸ”—

A response to The Lincoln Journal Star's coverage of a new thrift shop on 14th & B that displaced The Commons, possibly permanently. Having them claim [...]

More People Set Custom Font Sizes than Use Internet Explorer πŸ”—

Reading Every Layout on "Units", I came across a link to an analysis of how many users set custom font sizes in their browsers. Informal research on u [...]

Impact of Accessibility on Link vs Button in HTML πŸ”—

Today I read this blog post on the difference in link and button in HTML and why it matters. I've learned much of this before, but I want to make sure [...]

Using process.env variables in Eleventy πŸ”—

In Eleventy (the static site builder used to create this site), you can access Node environment variables (process.env.MY_VARIABLE) in your templates. [...]

Getting your Glitch Project Domain in Your Code πŸ”—

If you are creating a project on Glitch intended for other people to use, sometimes you might want to include a reference to the name of the current r [...]

Driver Hits Person on Bike, Driver Drives Away, Nothing Happens πŸ”—

Did you know 15% of all crashes between a car and a bike in Lincoln are classified by LPD hit & runs? And that 31% of bicyclists injured in Lincoln ar [...]

The HTML Element Specification and Accessibility πŸ”—

I'm reading the WHATWG HTML Specification on 'Element Definitions' to learn more about what constitutes valid HTML, so that I can correct HTML parsing [...]

Great Housing Reads πŸ”—

# Books Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City by Matthew Desmond. This should be required reading for anyone thinking about housing policy [...]

A perfect Lighthouse Score on a perfectly inaccessible website πŸ”—

Someone on Twitter built a website that has a perfect Lighthouse score for accessibility, but is nowhere near accessible). It's a neat experiment. [...]

'Making Badass Developers' by Kathy Sierra πŸ”—

I'm watching the talk today called "Making Badass Developers", by Kathy Sierra with some coworkers at Glitch. # Talk Notes Cognitive resources are fin [...]

Glitch App to Glitch Project Extension πŸ”—

# What I Made Glitch Project: Glitch App to Glitch Project Extension for Chrome. Install it from the Chrome App Store! It is: a Chrome Extension. When [...]

Navigating Anger & Sadness in the Workplace πŸ”—

This was a good read on navigating anger & sadness in the workplace, both as a manager and a not-manager. [...]

Meeting Facilitation for Remote Workers πŸ”—

I learned a lot for example from this blog on remote culture, and it would be great to see more people speaking the same language around remote needs [...]

Favorite Non-Meat Recipes πŸ”—

A friend asked today what they can eat if they want to avoid meat, but also can't eat peanuts, soy, or a lot of wheat. The answer is: so many things! [...]

Why do remote meetings suck? πŸ”—

Found this article on why remote meetings suck through a link provided in the Glitch D&I training, and it makes SO MUCH SENSE. And outlines the proble [...]

Is this feature toggle on? πŸ”—

TIL that I wasn't using a new feature on Glitch, hidden behind a feature toggle, even though I thought I turned it on a week or more ago. If a feature [...]

Using Live Expressions in Chrome to Track the Focused Element πŸ”—

You can use a 'live expression' in the chrome dev tools to track what element has focus, if you're trying to debug where focus disappears to when you [...]

Developer Tools & Inclusion πŸ”—

This is a good read on choosing the tools that you'd like to use to build the web, how those affect users, and how those affect other (future) develop [...]

Why I Became a Community Health Engineer πŸ”—

This post initially appeared on I recently transitioned from a general software engineering position to become a "Community Health Engineer" a [...]

Book of Shaders πŸ”—

I found this in the readme of a cool art tool someone made on Glitch. It looks useful - people keep saying 'shader' or 'fragment shader' and I don't r [...]

Firefox Page Ruler πŸ”—

TIL firefox has a built-in tool for measuring a portion of the page, but you have to toggle it on in the settings menu of devtools How to turn it on [...]

React Material UI Thoughts πŸ”—

Learning for today: react material-ui is a good tool for quickly getting something that looks nice, but any customizations you make to the provided ex [...]

Valid Children of `<html>` πŸ”—

The only valid children of a <html> tag, according to the spec, are <head> and <body>. (So my <script> tag needs to go inside <body, not outside of it [...]

Itemscope Attribute in HTML πŸ”—

TIL about the itemscope attribute in html [...]

React Component Design Patterns πŸ”—

Read about React component design patterns & anti-patterns [...]

Alt Text on Stock Photos πŸ”—

Stock photos on your site aren't necessarily 'purely decorative' - one of a family on your business website might be trying to say "We're family frien [...]

When to use useReducer in React πŸ”—

When should I use useReducer in React? [...]

useEffect in React πŸ”—

Reading about useEffect in React. A takeaway: If you’re trying to write an effect that behaves differently depending on whether the component renders [...]

#SheCoded on πŸ”—

I'm a web developer, but first and foremost, I'm a community member. My communities include women-in-tech-on-Twitter, progressives fighting for change [...]

Accessibility on the Million Most Popular Sites πŸ”—

Reading about (the state of accessibility on the most popular websites on the internet)[]. The author's estimate i [...]

The Glitch Logo Changes Color πŸ”—

I learned from a coworker that the Glitch logo changes colors based on time of day, and my mind is blown. [...]

Shadow Power πŸ”—

One non-code thing I'm learning lately is that the levers of power are more obscured than I thought, even for local issues here in Lincoln, Nebraska. [...]

Class vs Function Components πŸ”—

I learned from Dan Abramov's latest post about how class components are different than function components in React. It has to do with how this works [...]

Learning to Learn πŸ”—

Read about Learning to Learn [...]

Speed in Function Components πŸ”—

I’d been wondering about whether my function components in React (using hooks) would be slow due to creating functions within my function component. ( [...]

Iconfinder πŸ”—

Found which has a ton of really high quality small graphics, many of which are free. So I'm updating the avatars on all my [...]

How Screenreaders Use Semantics πŸ”—

I'm reading about how screenreaders use semantics to decide what to announce. [...]

Accessibility is not a React Problem πŸ”—

This is a nice post on accessibility in React. [...]

Babel options & require vs import πŸ”—

I learned why we run babel with modules: false and what the difference is between require and import. [...]

What is Math? πŸ”—

I’m learning what math is through this article on how it’s different than what we teach kids in schools during math class. I read Good Math a long tim [...]

Manuscript filtering πŸ”—

In Manuscript, searching for viewedBy:me lastEdited:"this month" in the Manuscript case list will help me find cases I've seen recently. [...]

How Error Handling Works in Browsers πŸ”—

I watched this video (Everything is broken, and I don't know why) over lunch. I learned a bit about how browsers handle unhandled exceptions. Mostly i [...]

React as a UI Runtime πŸ”—

I learned about how React works (internally) in this blog post called React as a UI Runtime. It was very interesting and inspired me to finally figure [...]

Parcel Doesn't Support CSS Modules Without Config πŸ”—

Learning: Parcel seems like it supports CSS Modules out of the box, but it doesn't. :( I was confused about the documentation but figured it out after [...]

Accessibility Testing/Coding Resources πŸ”—

Here are some favorite resources on designing and developing for all users: Inclusive Design Principles The 6 Simplest Web Accessibility Tests Anyo [...]

Favorite Resources for Learning French πŸ”—

I learned French in high school by taking classes online from the UNL Independent Study High School, then spending 10 months in France as a foreign ex [...]

Sharing Experiences and Building Community Online πŸ”—

As a junior in high school, I spent 10 months living in France with a host family and attending a local lycΓ©e. I documented my experiences on a blog c [...]

Screenreader Practice πŸ”—

On Friday, I led a short workshop for my coworkers on how to use the Mac's built-in screenreader, Voiceover, for accessibility testing. I shared wit [...]

How Crisis Text Line Helps Those In Crisis πŸ”—

(January 2024 note: attribution is no longer there on the linked blog post, and it's likely the post has been edited or changed by others since it was [...]

Converting a Javascript Project to Typescript for Beginners πŸ”—

I couldn't find a Typescript conversion guide for a new developer on our team who was not familiar with Typescript, so I made him one. Most guides to [...]

Check Build Configuration When the Wrong Project is Building in Visual Studio πŸ”—

I've been having problems getting a release build of my Xamarin Forms iOS project to work. It failed with "The LinkAssemblies task failed unexpectedly [...]

A Tribute to Friendship with Dan Owens πŸ”—

"Cowboy Dan" Owens and I were an unlikely pair, but he was my best friend. At the high school basketball game where I met Dan, I was quietly sitti [...]

Xamarin Forms Reading πŸ”—

From Chapter 27, Custom Renderers, in Creating Mobile Apps with Xamarin.Forms I learned that the way to propagate property changed notifications from [...]

Custom ContentView Renderer in Xamarin Forms iOS πŸ”—

Today I learned how to write a custom renderer in iOS for a ContentPage in Xamarin Forms. At first I tried using extending Xamarin Forms' View class, [...]

Xamarin Netstandard Blog Draft πŸ”—

Recently at Ocuvera, we faced the challenge of adding an iOS app to our offerings. We already had a Xamarin Android app, but we decided to try writing [...]

Converting to target netstandard14 in addtion to netFramework461 πŸ”—

Oren says - For some frameworks, like .NET 4.5, that’s all you need to do. However, targeting .NET Standard and .NET 4.x is far from β€œthe world.” We c [...]

Moral Foundations Matter πŸ”—

In recent political debates, especially over healthcare, it has become clear to me that not only are people divided, but they often do not understand [...]

Useful Textbooks from a Computer Science Degree πŸ”—

In my time as an undergraduate studying Computer Science, I came across several textbooks that were really useful. (This may be a surprise to you; it [...]

Xamarin Android RelativeLayout Designer πŸ”—

Summary: In Xamarin Android, if your layout is RelativeLayout, you can only drag controls into the Designer from the Toolbox onto an edge of an existi [...]

Convert Xamarin PCL Template to use NET Standard πŸ”—

Following this tutorial: Create a PCL Cross Platform Forms app Re [...]

Soft Delete with EntityFramework Dynamic Filters πŸ”—

# Problem: When we turned off the soft delete filter on our Entity Framework DB connection, we got SQL Exception 26: Error Locating Server/Instance Sp [...]

Async Unit Tests in C# πŸ”—

Today I learned about ManualResetEventSlim in C#. It's a semaphore class that uses a spin lock for a little bit before switching to a real wait handle [...]

Xamarin Android List Adapter πŸ”—

Things I learned implementing a list adapter in Xamarin Android - convertView. You can retrieve the tag from the convertView to get the tag bringing [...]

Theme Generators for Android πŸ”—

I've dove into Android development recently at work, and have found that theming all the various components seems more complicated than I'm used to in [...]

I saw democracy and it was beautiful. πŸ”—

Today I saw democracy and it was beautiful. I went to a local city council meeting, where a proposal to encourage recycling and divert cardboard and p [...]

What's the Deal with #BlackLivesMatter? πŸ”—

Don't you mean All Lives Matter? Nope! Another analogy - everyone at a dinner table is served a plate of food, except for Bob. Bob says, "Bob deserves [...]

Two Months of Mobile UX: Just Don't. πŸ”—

I wrote a blog post for Don't Panic Labs on my experience traveling in Europe with only mobile phone-sized devices, and some of the UX challenges I en [...]

Easy Vegetarian Lunches πŸ”—

So you want to cut out meat, becauseΒ it's really hard on the environment and as a first-world resident eating less meat is totally doable. Cool. So, w [...]

Internal Tools are the Worst πŸ”—

I wrote a blog post for the company I work for on company culture and what it can be like to work on internal tools. Head over toΒ Don't Panic Labs blo [...]

I am part of the problem. πŸ”—

I realized this a while ago, but it's not exactly something youΒ advertise. It's ugly, and painfully real. I am part of the problem of racism in Americ [...]

All kinds of people help make the corporate world go 'round πŸ”—

I'm only three days in to my summer software development internship at Microsoft, but one thing has already become abundantly clear: Microsoft does ev [...]

Freemium for [Digital] Print Journalism πŸ”—

Several of the news outlets I read online are trying to stay profitable by enticingΒ readers with a limited number of free articles per month, with a p [...]

Startup Weekend Nebraska: Serious about being safe & inclusive πŸ”—

It’s no secret that the tech industry, for whatever reason, isn’t particularly hospitable towards women or racial minorities. Some say it’s because yo [...]

Multiagent Systems - The most interesting field you've never heard of πŸ”—

As a computer science major, I have the exciting opportunity to occasionally take entire classes about topics that most people have never heard of. Th [...]

You Don't Have to be a Genius to Make the Web Better πŸ”—

I'm experimenting with the audience/styleΒ I want to aim for on this blog. This post is geared towards a non-technical audience - if you're interested [...]

Pourquoi l'attentat de Charlie Hebdo met en Γ©moi la France toute entiΓ¨re πŸ”—

Click to see this post in English Le 7 janvier, le siège de Charlie Hebdo, un journal satirique français, a subi un attentat commis par trois personne [...]

Why the Charlie Hebdo Attack is So Devastaing πŸ”—

Cliquez ici pour une traduction de cet article en français. On January 7, the editorial office of a weekly French satire magazine, Charlie Hebdo, was [...]

Can remote work save small town America? πŸ”—

One advantage of a career in software engineering isΒ the ability toΒ work from anywhere in the world. Remote work isn't just for freelancers any more - [...]

Pretty Scroll Animations - How do they do that? πŸ”—

I've been looking at a lot of Node.js tutorials lately, and this one from Scotch.ioΒ really stood out. While the content was also quite helpful, the fi [...]

It's a Unix system, I know this! πŸ”—

A couple days ago I finally broke down a and bought a Mac. Why? I was struggling yet again to install a Web development framework on my windows machin [...]

Corporate Finance in a Half-Digital Classroom πŸ”—

There's a lot of hype about the potential for MOOCs (free, online college-level courses)Β to disrupt academia. Companies like Coursera, Udacity, and Ed [...]

Raikes Cohort Christmas πŸ”—

Last night was our annual Christmas party for my Raikes class (aka cohort). These are the people I've lived with all through college. We've taken abou [...]

Why try an hour of code? πŸ”—

This week is the Hour of Code, a big push by the nonprofit to get as many people as possible to set aside an hour to learn the basics of code [...]