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Simon Willison's Weblog


json-flatten, now with format documentation πŸ”—

<p><strong><a href="">json-flatten, now with format documentatio [...]

Docker images using uv's python πŸ”—

<p><strong><a href="">Docker images using uv&#x27;s python</a>< [...]

Datasette 1.0a16 πŸ”—

<p><strong><a href="">Datasette 1.0a16</a></strong></p> This latest release foc [...]

New improved commit messages for scrape-hacker-news-by-domain πŸ”—

<p><strong><a href="">New improved commit messages for scrape-hacker-news-by-doma [...]

Calling LLMs from client-side JavaScript, converting PDFs to HTML + weeknotes πŸ”—

<p>I've been having a bunch of fun taking advantage of CORS-enabled LLM APIs to build client-side JavaScript applications that access LLMs direct [...]

OAuth from First Principles πŸ”—

<p><strong><a href="">OAuth from First Principles</a></strong></p> Rare example of an OAu [...]

Qwen2-VL: To See the World More Clearly πŸ”—

<p><strong><a href="">Qwen2-VL: To See the World More Clearly</a></strong></p> Qwen is Alibaba Cloud's or [...]

Quoting anjor πŸ”—

<blockquote cite=""><p><code>history | tail -n 2000 | llm -s "Write aliases for my zshrc ba [...]

Python Developers Survey 2023 Results πŸ”—

<p><strong><a href="">Python Developers Survey 2023 Results</a></strong></p> The seventh [...]

Why I Still Use Python Virtual Environments in Docker πŸ”—

<p><strong><a href="">Why I Still Use Python Virtual Environments in Docker</a></strong></p> Hynek S [...]

Anatomy of a Textual User Interface πŸ”—

<p><strong><a href="">Anatomy of a Textual User Interface</a>< [...]

uvtrick πŸ”—

<p><strong><a href="">uvtrick</a></strong></p> This "fun party trick" by Vincent D. Warmerdam is absolutely br [...]

Quoting Ted Chiang πŸ”—

<blockquote cite=""><p>Art is notoriously hard to define, and so [...]

OpenAI says ChatGPT usage has doubled since last year πŸ”—

<p><strong><a href="">OpenAI says ChatGPT usage has doubled since [...]

Quoting Forrest Brazeal πŸ”—

<blockquote cite=""><p>I think that AI has killed, or is about to kill [...]

Quoting Andreas Giammarchi πŸ”—

<blockquote cite=""><p>whenever you do this: <code>el.innerHTML += HTML</code></p> <p [...]

llm-claude-3 0.4.1 πŸ”—

<p><strong><a href="">llm-claude-3 0.4.1</a></strong></p> New minor release of my <a hr [...]

Leader Election With S3 Conditional Writes πŸ”—

<p><strong><a href="">Leader Election With S3 Conditional Writes</a></st [...]

OpenAI: Improve file search result relevance with chunk ranking πŸ”—

<p><strong><a href="">OpenA [...]

Quoting Magic AI πŸ”—

<blockquote cite=""><p>We have recently trained our first 100M token context model: LTM-2-mini. [...]

Anthropic's Prompt Engineering Interactive Tutorial πŸ”—

<p><strong><a href="">Anthropic&#x27;s Prompt Engineeri [...]

Elasticsearch is open source, again πŸ”—

<p><strong><a href="">Elasticsearch is open source, again</a></strong></p> Three a [...]

How Anthropic built Artifacts πŸ”—

<p><strong><a href="">How Anthropic built Artifacts</a></strong></p> Ger [...]

Quoting D. Richard Hipp πŸ”—

<blockquote cite=""><p>My goal is to keep SQLite relevant and viable through the year 2050. Th [...]

Cerebras Inference: AI at Instant Speed πŸ”—

<p><strong><a href="">Cerebras Inference: AI at Instant Speed</a></st [...]

System prompt for πŸ”—

<p><strong><a href="">System prompt for</a></strong></p> <a href= [...]

Debate over β€œopen source AI” term brings new push to formalize definition πŸ”—

<p><strong><a href=" [...]

Gemini Chat App πŸ”—

<p><strong><a href="">Gemini Chat App</a></strong></p> Google <a href=" [...]

NousResearch/DisTrO πŸ”—

<p><strong><a href="">NousResearch/DisTrO</a></strong></p> DisTrO stands for Distributed Training Over-The [...]

Quoting John Gruber πŸ”—

<blockquote cite=""><p>Everyone alive today has grown up in a world where you [...]